Sunday, January 26, 2020
Prejudice and racism
Prejudice and racism How do the writers Nadine Gordimer and Mildred Taylor explore prejudice and racism in different cultures? Both writers explore racism and prejudice in their books, but you can spot racism and prejudice in one book much quicker. Both writers show how racism affects not only black people but also the whole of society and your family. Both stories are set in different locations and have different affects on the people and society. Racism is shown in different ways in both stories. â€Å"Country Lovers†is set in South Africa, during the time of apartheid. â€Å"The Gold Cadillac†is set in North America and a black family goes down to South America and face a new experience. The new experience they face is racism and it affects the family in many ways. â€Å"Country Lovers†is written by Nadine Gordimer, it is written in 3rd person, while â€Å"Gold Cadillac†is written in 1st person. Both view points are effective. The 3rd person view point shows us an unbiased and direct view of what is happening, without any interference. The 1st person view point in â€Å"The Gold Cadillac†is also very affective as you are seeing out of the eyes of a young child, whom doesnt understand racism and its affects. We see quite clearly the reaction of the little girl when she doesnt understand what is being said. In â€Å"Country Lovers†, the black children play together with the white children, at a very young age. This is because the pressure of racism in the society doesnt influence small children as they are still young. However, when the white children go to school ‘they soon dont play together anymore. This shows us that racism is already starting to spread even though the children have only started to go to school now. This is due to the fact that the society is evolving around these children and the ‘vocabulary of boarding school has brain-washed them into believing that white people are the masters and black people are the servants. The black children start calling their former playmates ‘missus and baasie this is described as an ‘easy transition but surely it cant be due to the fact that their body is changing as well as their minds. Black children are turning into teenagers and they feel that calling their former playmates ‘missus and baasie is a normal transformation for every black person. In â€Å"The Gold Cadillac†on the other hand we can acknowledge the fact that not all black people are inferior to white people. Racism is better concealed in â€Å"The Gold Cadillac†. We dont know if the family is black or not until we reach line 166, where ‘Lois father says he wants to go down to Mississippi with the ‘fine car. Mr. Pondexter says ‘Not much those folks hate moren to see a northern Negro coming down the in a fine car. Although, the text only reveals the fact that they are black but we have been given clues on the speech and dialect by ‘Lois. Wilbert doesnt change his mind even though he was told it was too dangerous for a black man to go down South even though he was told they would ‘lynch you. The word ‘lynch sent a shiver through ‘Lois and her sister even though they dont know about racism. By this we can see how racism in the north has not affected the two black girls at all. The educational system started with both white and black children in primary education where they spoke local dialect and then after that the white children went to secondary education, where they learnt Standard English and the black children went to work, on farms of the white people, and they learnt the language of authority and how to obey it. Immorality Act 1950 1985 was one of the first Apartheid laws in South Africa. It attempted to forbid all sexual relations between whites and non-whites. In 1949, interracial marriages had been banned by the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act. This law is to separate black and white. This caused trouble for Paulus Eysendyck and Thebedi (two main characters in this story) as they were secretly in a relationship between a white boy and black girl (which was against the Immorality Act). ‘She had to get away before the house servants who knew her, came in at dawn. This shows the compassion and determination to keep their relationship ongoing. The only relationship that can be between blacks and whites is servant and master, no other relationship is permitted under the legal laws of South Africa. Families have to stick together and also stick together with friends. In â€Å"The Gold Cadillac†, the dad of ‘Lois decided to go all alone to Mississippi but was then persuaded to go down there all together, so that they were stronger to tackle racism and prejudice believes and views. A group of people are mentally and physically stronger than one person all alone and with no one to back him/her up with. They were leaving to go down South to Mississippi. In the second paragraph of â€Å"Country Lovers†it said ‘The first holiday after he had gone to boarding school he brought home for Thebedi a painted box he had made in his wood work class. Here we can see how he developed their relationship even though they havent been in contact for a while. He couldnt give the box directly to Thebedi because ‘he had nothing for the other children in the kraal. Thebedi is shown to be inferior to Paulus, ‘He told her, each time when they would meet again. This clearly shows that Paulus has all the power in the relationship and that is controlling the inferior Thebedi. Thebedi doesnt say a single word; this shows the effect or racism and how racism and authority made them believe they were servants had set into their minds and also that they had no control of whether or not to do what is being told. To me in this part of the story it just seems like an affair not like love at all. The family enters South America and they soon start noticing sign like ‘WHITE ONLY, COLOURED NOT ALLOWED. This distracts ‘Lois and she doesnt understand what these signs meant or why they were there. They began to see South America in a different view, the racist view. In â€Å"Country Lover†, Paulus and Thebedi meet on a very hot day at the river bed side. They just sit there at first without talking or anything. Paulus seems to be evolving around the beautiful nature. Nadine Gordimer portrays their meeting and sex as a natural occurrence when she puts it alongside such a beautiful environment, next to the water flow. This just gives us a sense of reality and the richness of this love is seen. ‘he was surprised and she was surprised by it too, they didnt know it could be so lovely and the nature just seems to evolve around both of them. Nadine Gordimer is making a direct remark against the prejudice that black people are ugly and white being the only beautiful colour. This scene also shows the immodesty of the white girls as they are seen in ‘bikinis but Thebedi is shown as ‘her dress bunched modestly. This shows how modest Thebedi is and that she doesnt want to be tricked into believing things to quickly. She is looking o ut for herself. Nadine Gordimer compares this to the cheap plastic relationship they had had in Paulus house when ‘the Mercedes drove away. She portrays as it is much better to have a relationship in the nature. A police car comes and stops the Wilbert family in the Southern States and he ‘eyeballs the car. The police officer call Mr. Wilbert ‘boy which you can see is prejudice as he is already looking down at him. Without asking any questions, the white police man asks whose car it is and Mr. Wilbert tells him its his. But the police officer accuses Mr Wilbert of lying. As you can see the real prejudice of white people is coming out and you can see how they are treating him. This is the real first time ‘Lois has feared this much because she never has felt the full on effects of racism and prejudice acts. The family had lost their relatives or they would have not been enquired by the policeman like this. The policeman would have thought twice about pulling over this car. Njabulo was married to Thebedi but Thebedi didnt tell a single word to Paulus about this and this was the end of their unlawful relationship. A baby was born within two months after their marriage and this was not a shame because it was custom for the husband to check if his wife is not ‘barren. The baby however was mixed race, so Paulus ends up killing the baby. Thebedi took this case to court, which was the first time she went outside the farm. She claimed he had murdered the baby. Paulus claimed his innocence; Thebedi was becoming weaker, ‘she cried hysterically. As time was passing, she couldnt control her emotions. It was up to Njabulo to protect her and give her confidence but on the second trial of the court, Thebedi doesnt say anything. This can be reasoned to the fact that she has accepted the death of her baby and that live always moves on. Wilbert had been released and he decided to go back, he kept on going out of the southern states but he was getting very tired, so he pulled into a grove of trees and fell asleep. ‘Lois on the other hand was terrified and couldnt fall to sleep. She was so scared and she wanted to protect her family. ‘I took hold of it, she was so scared that she had taken hold of a ‘sharp knife and she was ‘ready to strike. The Cadillac is brand new and gold in colour. It shows that the black family who owns it is no longer poor and downtrodden. The car highlights the conflict in the story. There are two main areas of conflict in the family and in society as a whole. Racism effects people in many ways and many people havent felt the full on effect of racism but the reaction we get from Mr Wilbert and Thebedi is acceptance of racism. Both of them get affected by racism. ‘Lois had felt a strong force called racism at a young age so she will know what racism is and how it affects people, she will always remember it. Even though ‘Lois mum said Wilbert could keep the car, Mr. Wilbert went out and sold the car and came back home walking. All the neighbours thought he had lost most his money but this was not the reason, the reason was to pull his family together again. So they were the closest family. The death of the mixed race baby was not all the fault of Paulus it was the fault of Thebedi as well. She knew what he was going to do, but she didnt stop him. She just stood outside waiting for him to finish. She never went to look at the baby on that day. She had accepted it. If she had stopped him, she would have had a baby now but she had accepted that life was life and that racism and prejudice was everywhere in South Africa. Mr. Wilbert could have also ceased the opportunity tom not show ‘Lois what racism was like, but he didnt and she felt the full on effect of racism and also did he. Here we see racism affects man, woman, boy, girl and even a baby. Racism and prejudice views affect everyone. The Gold Cadillac causes conflict within the family. It impresses the local black community. It causes and exposes jealousy. The car provides a learning experience to Wilbert and ‘Lois who tackle racism for the first time. I think the car finally makes the family stronger and makes their bonds more rigid. Nadine Gordimer shows us how black people had been treated unfairly. She portrays racism to us directly as the script is in 3rd person. I have learnt that racism is all around us in this world. Even the minority of people in one country can affect the majority of people. Education is a key factor in society and in ways to tackle racism. Without education you are always inferior and will be seen as a servant. Both stories are perfect examples of racism and prejudice believes. I think both stories show the reader how racism is felt, but I feel that The Gold Cadillac has a stronger source for racism because Lois has told more from her narration. From ‘The Gold Cadillac Lois being a narrator helped me understand the story better because we can see how she feels when something happens, it looks like your just standing next to Lois when she narrates and I can see a better understanding of the text. In ‘Country Lovers I feel the story was more on love than racism. When Njabulo falls in love with Thebedi is another long paragraph on love. The Immortality act which represents ‘Country Lovers was quite a strong racial point. But still I believe ‘The Gold Cadillac revealed more racism.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Lais of Marie de France
The Adulterous Medieval Times Since the beginning of written history, marriage is portrayed as a sacred vow by almost all religions and peoples throughout the Earth while adultery is almost always looked upon as wrong. Marie de France was one of the few female writers in medieval times which made her very influential and well respected. In her book titled â€Å"The Lais of Marie de France,†she gives the reader a look into the affairs and adultery that was going on in the medieval courts. It seems Marie de France does not particularly agree with adultery, but her style of writing leads the reader to see that it is not so bad, depending on the situation. It is almost as if she separates the lais into two distinct groups. The first of which are the stories where Marie tries to make the reader feel compassion and sorry for the lovers like in â€Å"Lanval†and â€Å"Yonec. †The other group is where the reader is made to feel anger and displeasure toward the couples like in â€Å"Equitan†and â€Å"Bisclavret. IN the lai â€Å"Yonec,†there is a young woman who has been locked away by her much older husband. By the end of just the first page, the reader is meant to feel this woman’s pain and how hard her life must be to be marries to this horrible man. She really cannot do anything about her terrible situation though since she is married to him which means that she is basically his property. The thing that makes this lai different from the others is that this woman prays to God to have someone come and save her. God answers her prayers by sending a hawk that turns into a courtly knight that lovers her. These two become adulterous lovers but it seems respectable since it was God, Himself, that sent this woman a new lover. The affair is not just about sex, rather that these two share a spiritual connection and relationship which makes the union even more respectable with the standards of the time. When her husband realizes what is going on he sets a trap and mortally wounds the knight. The lady is very sad until the knight tells her that she is pregnant. The knight tells the lady that she is to name her son Yonec and that he will avenge their love. As the boy grows up though the rest of the story, he learns the truth about his father. His mother finally reveals the whole truth to Yonec and dies while she is doing so. Yonec then goes and takes his real father’s sword and chops off his stepfather’s head. Even though this lai ends on a somewhat gruesome note, the reader is left with a sense of relief and happiness because the true lovers were finally avenged from the cruel tyrant that tore them apart. In the lai â€Å"Lanval,†King Arthur is shown as a great king who is giving out land and wives to all the knights that serve him, all of them except Lanval who is all but forgotten. Lanval was very distraught by this so he left the castle to clear his mind. He happens upon two very beautiful women who take him back to their maiden. Once Lanval meets this maiden the love affair begins but it is very pure of heart and shown as true love. This makes the reader very happy for the loving couple, but that feeling is false because this is a carnal relationship out of wedlock which is wrong. The reader then learns that Lanval can tell nobody about her or she will leave him that same instant. This puts the woman into the lord role over Lanval giving him a wife and land as long as he obeys her. :anval soon boasts about his lady and insults Queen Guinevere at the same time. Lanval must stand trial for what he has done and prove to the court that his lady is more beautiful which is impossible since he spoke about her and now she is gone. As the trial is ending his lady comes to his rescue and the ride away to Avalon. The reader is left with a satisfied feeling even though they are not married. This lai lets the reader put their own morals to suit themselves in each situation. The first two lais were very similar in showing adultery as being a pretty good thing. The next two are totally opposite. â€Å"Bisclavret†shows an adulterous relationship in a very negative way. In this lai, there is a happy couple that seem to enjoy each other but end up as enemies. The man is a werewolf but does not immediately share this information with his wife until she keeps bugging him and he feels guilty about not letting her know. After the wife learns of his secret, she refuses to sleep with him anymore and becomes the lover of another man. She then knows that all she has to do is hide his clothes when he is a werewolf and he will then stay as a werewolf. This is where the reader starts to feel true hatred toward this woman because she planned this betrayal on her husband only after he shared all his secrets with her. This lai is different because it is the woman who is being terrible to her husband. He told her all his secrets and instead of trusting him, she ultimately betrayed his trust. Bisclavret does get his revenge though. The King takes him in as a pet until he sees his wife and her new lover and bites her nose off. He gets his clothes back so he is human again, and the greatest revenge that Bisclavret gets is that his former wife’s children are all born without noses. The reader never feels any pity toward the woman even though she does get hurt by her husband because she had nothing but malicious intent against Bisclavret through the entire story. The ending is also like a moral to a fable to show that this behavior is not something anyone should ever do. The lai â€Å"equitant†has many similarities to Bisclavret’s story. The king in this story wants to marry his seneschal’s wife which is of course wrong. Nothing seems so bad because the king is letting her think about what she might want to do. Then it turns ugly because the wife and the king then plot to murder her husband. She plans for the king to betray her husband so that he will die in a very hot, scalding bath. The seneschal comes to the room where this is supposed to happen and he finds the king and his wife in each others arms. The king accidentally jumps into the scalding bath and dies. The seneschal then throws his wife into the burning water as well for the betrayal that she plotted. The seneschal gets the revenge he deserved by being able to kill the main person who plotted against him with his own hands. Again, the reader feels no remorse or mercy towards the king and the seneschal’s wife because they betrayed him. Marie also ends this story with a moral showing that betrayal can easily backfire on the impure people that plot it. Marie de France presents adultery in a way where the reader can form their own opinions. She definitely does not approve of adultery in and way, shape, or form. The reader is led to feel hope and understanding about the lovers in some of the lais while in others, the reader can only feel hatred and displeasure towards the betrayers of love. The hope and understanding comes to the read during the cruel things that happen to prevent true love from happening. The hatred that the reader develops is when the betrayal and evil deeds are brought into the story.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Determination of the Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar Objectives: (1) To introduce and use the concept of solution geochemistry (2) To specifically use solution geochemistry to determine the percent of acetic acid in vinegar. (3) To prepare a standard solution by the method of titration.Consider the following balanced chemical equations: IPPP + + OH (2) (4) (5) HCI + Noah HASPS + Noah CLC + – HASPS + – Niacin + HO Nassau + OHO acacia + OHO cases + OHO These reactions in water have one feature in common: a hydrogen ion from one impound reacts with a hydroxide ion from the other compound to form water. The compound furnishing the hydrogen ion is called an acid and the one furnishing the hydroxide ion is called a base. The metal ion (the action) of the base and the anion of the acid combine to form a salt. In this context, salt is essentially synonymous with ionic compound.Reactions such as these are called acid-base reactions. The concepts of solution reactions and geochemi stry in this experiment are applicable to any chemical reaction taking place in solution, not Just the acid base reactions indicated here. Geochemistry is the area of chemistry that deals with how much of one compound reacts with another. When compounds are mixed in amounts such that these amounts Just exactly react and none of any reactant is in excess (they are all the limiting reagent), this mixture is said to be a psychometric mixture or that psychometric amounts have been mixed.Observation of the above balanced equations indicates that symptomatically reaction occurs so that the total number of hydrogen ions available in the amount of acid reacting is the same as the total number of hydroxide ions available in the amount of base reacting. Thus in reaction 2) above, one mole (or one molecule) of HASPS (sulfuric acid) can furnish the same number of hydrogen as the number of hydroxides that two mole (or two molecules) of Noah can furnish.Therefore one mole of HASPS reacts with 2 m oles of Noah (or one molecule of HASPS reacts with two molecules of Noah). This type of geochemistry information is obtained from any balanced chemical equation. In a solution the militarily, M, is the number of moles of solute in a liter of solution. Thus where n is the number of moles and V the volume in liters. By equation (6), the number of moles of solute in V liters of a solution of militarily M is Suppose one takes 34. 56 ml off 0. 13 M solution of sulfuric acid (HASPS).If one has a certain volume of sulfuric acid solution, there is one volume of a given Noah solution needed such that equivalent amounts of the two reactants are mixed. Equivalent amounts are the amounts that symptomatically react (that is, none of either reactant is left over). When the amount of Noah (in solution or otherwise) needed for psychometric reaction has been added, this is called the equivalence point. In the laboratory, the determination of the volume (the amount) of Noah required to exact symptoma tically with the sulfuric acid solution is done by a procedure called titration.A burette is used to measure an accurate volume of the sulfuric acid solution into a flask. A few drops of an indicator is added and another burette is used to add the Noah solution to the sulfuric acid solution until there is a visual change in color of the solution (due to the indicator). There is a visual change in color in the solution caused by the indicator, a substance that changes color as close as possible to the point when the psychometric amount of Noah (in this case) has been added. When the solution changes color (the indicator changes color) this is called the endpoint of the titration.The solution should be colorless and change to a pink color (for the phenolphthalein indicator used here) upon the addition of one drop of Noah iterant. The indicator phenolphthalein is pink in basic solutions and colorless in acid solutions. The solution for the titration of sulfuric acid with Noah changes f rom acidic (indicator colorless) to basic (indicator pink) at the endpoint. At the endpoint the solution is slightly basic when the iterant is a base. Other indicators have a different color change but work the same in principle. The endpoint and the equivalence point should be as nearly the same as possible.In general for a sample of an acid which has z acid hydrogen titrated with Noah, the equation using normality, CEQ 38, is unchanged but CEQ 39 becomes CEQ 40 (40) % acid = (1 of For a sample of an acid with acid acid hydrogen titrated with a base with Sybase hydroxide ions, the percent of the acid in the sample is given by (41) (Sybase/acid)(Numb)(mom of Titration are usually used to determine the amount of a substance in a sample of a old or in a solution by determining the volume of iterant that is needed to react with the desired compound.In order to do this, the militarily and/or normality of the iterant solution must be accurately known and the chemical reaction between the m must be known. This concepts and calculations above are not restricted to acid/base reactions and can be used for other types of chemical reactions. The definition of gram equivalent weight may change, however, to keep the requirement that one equivalent react with one equivalent. See the appendix to Experiment 9 for more illustration of this. If one considers the operations above, it will become clear why solutions are used in the laboratory.It would be difficult without using solutions to effect the reaction of the sodium hydroxide (a solid) with the vinegar sample (a liquid) and make accurate measurements in regard to how much sodium hydroxide would be required to react with a given sample of the vinegar. Using solutions makes the process much easier and convenient and is one of the reasons chemists use solutions. It does, however, require that one learn about solution concentrations and how they can relate to reaction geochemistry.In CEQ 32, note that in reaction only one of t he four hydrogen in acetic acid reacts with the Noah to give a salt and water. Not all the hydrogen in compounds will react with the hydroxide of Noah to form water. Those that will are called acid hydrogen and the acid hydrogen are written first in the formula for a compound. Thus the formula for acetic acid is HACHURE indicating that it has one acid hydrogen. The determination of which and how many of the hydrogen are acid hydrogen in a compound must be done experimentally but once this is done, the formula is written so as to indicate this.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How to Make Homemade Slime (Classic Recipe)
There are lots of recipes for slime. Which one you choose depends on the ingredients you have and the type of slime you want. This is a simple, reliable recipe that produces classic slime. Tip Store your slime in a zip-lock bag in the fridge to prevent it from developing mold! What You Need to Make Slime Borax powderWater4 ounce (120 ml) glue (e.g., Elmers white glue)TeaspoonBowlJar or measuring cupFood coloring (optional)Measuring cup How to Make Slime Pour the glue into the jar. If you have a big bottle of glue, you want 4 oz or 1/2 cup of glue.Fill the empty glue bottle with water and stir it into the glue (or add 1/2 cup of water).If desired, add food coloring. Otherwise, the slime will be an opaque white.In a separate, mix one cup (240 ml) of water into the bowl and add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of borax powder.Slowly stir the glue mixture into the bowl of borax solution.Place the slime that forms into your hands and knead until it feels dry. Dont worry about the excess water remaining in the bowl.The more the slime is played with, the firmer and less sticky it will become.Have fun! Playing with homemade slime. Welcome to buy my photos/Getty Images How Slime Works Slime is a type of non-Newtonian fluid. In a Newtonian fluid, viscosity (ability to flow) is only affected by temperature. Typically, if you cool a fluid down, it flows more slowly. In a non-Newtonian fluid, other factors besides temperature affect viscosity. Slime viscosity changes according to pressure and shear stress. So, if you squeeze or stir slime, it will flow differently than if you let it slide through your fingers. Slime is an example of a polymer. The white glue used in the classic slime recipe is also a polymer. The long polyvinyl acetate molecules in glue allow it to flow from the bottle. When polyvinyl acetate reacts with the sodium tetraborate decahydrate in borax, protein molecules in the glue and borate ions form cross-links. The polyvinyl acetate molecules cant slip past each other so readily, forming the goo we know as slime. Tips for Slime Success Use white glue, such as Elmers brand. You may also make slime using the clear or translucent school glue. If you use white glue, you get opaque slime. If you use a translucent glue, you get translucent slime.If you cant find borax, you can substitute contact lens solution for the borax and water solution. Contact lens solution is buffered with sodium borate, so its basically a pre-made mixture of the key slime ingredients. Dont believe internet tales that contact solution slime is borax-free slime! Its not. If borax is a problem, consider making slime using a truly borax-free recipe.Dont eat the slime. Although it isnt especially toxic, it is not good for you either! Similarly, dont let your pets eat the slime. While boron in borax isnt considered an essential nutrient for humans, it actually is an important element for plants. Dont feel bad if a bit of slime falls into the garden.Slime cleans up easily. Remove dried slime after soaking with water. If you used food coloring, you may need bleach to remove the color.Feel free to jazz up the basic slime recipe. The cross-linking that holds the polymer together also helps slime hold mix-ins. Add tiny polystyrene beads to make the slime more like floam. Add pigment powder to add color or to make the slime glow under black light or in the dark. Stir in a bit of glitter. Mix in a few drops of fragrance oil to make the slime smell good. You can add a bit of color theory by dividing the slime into two or more chunks, coloring them differently, and watching how they mix. You can even make magnetic slime by adding some iron oxide powder as an ingredient. (Avoid magnetic slime for very young children, because it contains iron and theres a risk they might eat it.)Ive got a YouTube video of the slime showing what you will get if you use glue gel rather than white glue. Either type of glue works well.
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