Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Impacts of Receiving Sexual Education - 638 Words
Teen pregnancy is one of the most impactful, nonreversible events in a human’s life that can alter it forever. Bringing a child into the world is a blessing but at the same time it can also be a setback in the lives of teenagers who have experienced pregnancy at a young age. Sex education has been taken away from the curriculum in schools in the United States and replaced it with electives such as art, drama, dance etc. Being well educated on safe sex and the consequences that comes with poor decision making is just as important as core classes that are taught on a regular basis. I believe it will be interesting to discover the impact of sex education courses on the perspective of adolescence and how it may affect their decision in engaging in sexual activities. Several researchers analyzed data from 4691 men and women aged 15 to 19 who participated in the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). National Survey of Family Growth young people questioning whether they received formal instruction before age 18 on how to say no to sex and / or methods of birth control. Results show that sixty-six to one hundred of womens sexual experience and Fifty-five percent of men reported sexual experience that she received information about both abstinence and birth control before the first time they had sex. By sexually experienced both genders remaining nineteen percent of women and twenty-one percent of men received abstinence instruction, and sixteen percent of women andShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of The Teenage Girl1040 Words  | 5 Pageswas an episode on the show Untold Story of the ER. Sexual education is now a phenomenon that is taking place all over the world, especially in Europe. Sexual education is providing the information about bodily development, sex, sexuality, and relationships, along with skills-building to help student make informed decisions regarding sex and their sexual health. Sexual education is now a very important thing and schools need to provide sexual education to students. Schools need to support this becauseRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Incorporated Into Public Schools?1372 Words  | 6 PagesFor Sex Education in Public Schools An observation of the prevalent television programs and popular topics broadcasted in the media often depict teenagers with an air of promiscuity. Is teenage pregnancy really an uncontrolled epidemic, as depicted in shows such as â€Å"16 and Pregnant†? Are a vast majority of teenagers exchanging racy photos of their bodies with each other? If so, are teenagers acting out because of too much sex education? Or is the outbreak of hyper-sexualized activity linked to lackRead MoreThis Study Is Designed To Focus On The Effectiveness Of1305 Words  | 6 Pagesstudy is designed to focus on the effectiveness of school based sex education programs in order to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s)/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). School districts across the United States have been teaching sex education program, however each varies with the type of program that is taught. The number of adolescents who en gage in sexual activities has declined in past years. Nonetheless, the United StatesRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Teens And Children1477 Words  | 6 Pagesand I Don’t Mind are all newly released songs playing on the radio stations, portraying sexual intercourse as acceptable behavior. They are found all over the media today. Not only is this type of media affecting the minds of teenagers, but also the young minds of our nation’s children. Media is spewing misleading information to the minds of our teens and children; abstinence is no longer being pursued. Sexual intercourse is more common now than it was decades ago. Our teens need to be taught theRead More Title IX and Impacts on Womens Education Essay examples1160 Words  | 5 PagesTitle IX and the impacts on women and their education HISTORY: Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is the landmark legislation that bans sex discrimination in schools, whether it is in academics or athletics. Title IX states: No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid. Athletics has created the most controversy regardingRead MoreParental Sex Education987 Words  | 4 Pageswho report having sexual intercourse has declined (Henshaw, 2003). Promisingly, the percent of U.S. teens surveyed also stated an increase in contraceptive use. Despite these positive trends, the United States still has one of the highest levels of teen pregnancy among developed countries and accounts for more than four million teens contracting sexually transmitted infections each year! During President Bush’s 2000 campaign, he nearly tripled funding for abstinence-only education from 73 millionRead MoreAbstinence Should Not Teach Students Safe Sex Practices1441 Words  | 6 PagesWhen people of today’s world turn on the television, it is easy to see why modesty is out the window. A good portion of the television shows aired have sexualized content, from sexual innuendos in jokes to portraying characters in the act. With this being a known fact, there is no doubt that sex education is important. However, schools are teaching more on the abstinence spectrum. Preaching abstinence does not teach students safe-sex practices or a clear understanding of contraception. Abstinence-onlyRead MoreMake America Sick Again Case Study1104 Words  | 5 PagesMake America Sick Again: Turning Back the Clock on the ACA and Other Policies The Trump administration has proposed several regressive policies that would widen the health disparities of sexual and racial minorities, and other vulnerable populations who depend on Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The current platform of the Republican Party and, in particular, President Trump has been centered on repealing and replacing the ACA. Congress is currently trying to repeal the ACA without a viableRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )945 Words  | 4 Pagesstories and interviews with those who are infected with HIV. Simone attributed the spread of HIV/AIDS in the black community to unprotected sexual activity, drugs, tainted blood transfusions, prostitution, and the stigma surrounding the disease. According to the documentary, sexual activity is one of the primary ways to transmit HIV/AIDS. Vaginal, oral, or anal sexual intercourse with a person who has HIV/AIDS increases a person’s risk of contracting the disease greatly. The virus can enter a person’sRead MoreLet s Talk About Sex1410 Words  | 6 PagesAlisha Smith Professor Jones English Composition 1101 19 April 2017 Let’s Talk About Sex Living in a world where sexual imagery is produced rapidly throughout the media makes controlling what children are exposed to difficult. Rather than trying to control what a child is exposed to, it is important to know what children learn, especially when it comes to sexual health and sexuality. Many teenagers who are sexually active are not provided with educational resources informing them of the risks and
Monday, December 16, 2019
The True Story About Great Descriptive Essay Topics That the Experts Dont Want You to Know
The True Story About Great Descriptive Essay Topics That the Experts Don't Want You to Know Contemplating the simple fact, descriptive essay is an exceptional kind of a term paper, the structure also differs from the one that you are accustomed to. Your conclusion should be well written because it's the last issue to be read by your reader and will remain on their mind the longest after they've read the rest of your essay. The full nature of hers was prepared to scream from pain. It's important to get a very clear vision of your paper. Details of Great Descriptive Essay Topics If you would like to be more original and find some inspiration, you're on the appropriate path as we provide the very best descriptive essay topics. When you have settled on the essay topic, the next thing to do is to compose a descriptive essay. In fact, there are a lot of descriptive essay topics out there that it's rather hard to choose only one. Descriptive essay topics could be either easier or harder. It always includes creative writing, even if the topic seems to be dull and boring at first glance. Descriptive essays could be difficult if you don't have any clue what to write about. A descriptive essay is an essay that's bound to deliver some type of detailed info on a particular subject. Finding the Best Great Descriptive Essay Topics Writing descriptive essay students need to be more personal and use their imagination to the complete extent. It is a gift that comes naturally. Preparing a satire essay is just one of the most difficult ones as it should be something like a literary bit of writing. Writing a descriptive essay is a significant undertaking to achieve. Overall, descriptive essays are personal, and they don't need in-depth research such as other academic or scientific papers. Like every assignment, a descriptive essay has a particular purpose. It is a type of essay that states an aim to describe som ething. Most descriptive essays are simple to write because they're usually personal and don't need much studying to write. Descriptive essays should provide the reader that exact feeling, even though the sensory attachment could differ. The should evoke emotions is almost always a tough one because humans are subject to so many diverse idiosyncrasies. A personality you want to resemble. Well if you would like to compose a descriptive essay you are going to have to research a bit about the Great Wall of China before you start. Choose which to begin with. Making an outline is essential if you would like to create a great work. Facts, Fiction and Great Descriptive Essay Topics There are scores and scores of descriptive essay topics for college students, so it could be quite hard to pick the one that will be appropriate for your requirements and interests. At the close of the day, the essay topics you pick can make an enormous influence on your final grade. Students have t o be in a position to describe their environment properly, which is exactly why researching topics for a descriptive essay will bring them on the correct track to appraise their learning procedure. Students in high school and college are anticipated to demonstrate a high degree of creativity and to go deeper in the topic they've chosen. Your essay should be structured in a fashion that helps your topic to earn sense. While writing such sort of essay do not neglect to stick to the rules of structure and content. If you're describing an event, you'll need to compose your paragraphs in chronological purchase. Each point ought to be in its own paragraph and needs to be mentioned in the very first sentence or what's often known as the topic sentence. The Death of Great Descriptive Essay Topics Descriptive thesis is a sort of writing where a student should find out more about the topic so well. College application essay topics are a vital portion of an entertaining and compelling bit of writing. So far as the students are involved, writing a research paper is among the toughest and frustrating job in their opinion. Some students spend hours brainstorming ideas about how to begin. The Basics of Great Descriptive Essay Topics It is preferable to devote some opportunity to discover and work on a topic that reflects an intriguing matter. The 1st one is going to be the collection of a topic. For instance, you can select a topic for elementary, middle, or higher school. You can not ever be too thorough when it has to do with reading the essay over again and checking for any locations that ought to be reworked. The absolute most difficult homework assignment that you've been given 48. Deciding upon the most suitable topic may be a true problem, but we are here in order to get you inspired. Luckily, you've come to the proper place to discover the greatest remedy to every single academic writing problem that you're currently facing with your essay.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
MEMS Devices Electret Condenser Microphone
Question: Discuss about theMEMS Devices for Electret Condenser Microphone. Answer: Introduction In this report, discussions would be made on MEMS based Hearing Aids Device which is currently being considered as the most effective alternative of electret condenser microphone (ECM) hearing aids systems that are traditionally recommended to patients having hearing issues. The basic information of the system would be discussed, along with the methods of operation, ethical considerations, and advantages of the same over the ECM. Besides this, answers to the post activity questions would also be included in the report. MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device: Basic information Use of MEMS based Hearing Aids Device According to the reports of the World Health Organization, approximately 5 million people residing in the United Kingdom experience issues with hearing (Wang et al. 2015). However, only 25 percent of these people use hearing aids, and even those who use these systems voluntarily wait for at least 10 years for doing so. Researchers Raj et al. (2015) are of the opinion that low adoptability rate of hearing aids has several factors associated with it: lack of aesthetics, price, cosmetic issue, lack of comfort and size being the primary ones. The authors are also of the opinion that MEMS based Hearing Aids Devices are popular among those particular parts of the population who are reluctant to adopt hearing aids due to the cost and lack of aesthetic values of the devices, in spite of not being able to hear properly. Type of the MEMS Device Authors Dwivedi and Khanna (2015) have pointed out the fact that MEMS device can be classified in the following groups based on the type of sensor used in the same: Devices using force sensors Devices using accelerometers Devices using pressure sensors and Devices using humidity sensors MEMS based Hearing Aid Devices utilize pressure sensors to detect any incoming sound, which is the converted to a signal of higher amplitude (Raj et al. 2015). MEMS Based Hearing Aid Device: Method of Operation Experts Killion et al. (2016) have explained the mode of operations of MEMS based Hearing Aid Devices in a detailed manner. According to them, the device consists of a diaphragm that can freely move over a fixed back plate. The diaphragm and the backplate are encased within a silicon wafer, and the entire setup acts like a variable capacitor and an electrical signal is applied between the two. Incoming sound pressure waves, that enter the silicon wafer through the holes, cause movement of the diaphragm to move away from the back plate, hereby varying the capacitance between the two. Figure: Changes in capacitance between the diaphragm and fixed back plate of MEMS (Source: Chang 2017, pp-15) This change in capacitance, on the application of a constant charge, converts into an electrical signal. The electrical signal is then amplified and reconverted into sound energy (Chang 2017). Thus, the user gets to hear a much-amplified version of the incoming sound. Use of MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device in the field of medicine According to Popelka and Moore (2016), the utilization of MEMS technology has made it possible to develop hearing aid devices that in spite of being small in size, are capable of generating high quality sound. Besides this, such devices match the capabilities of traditional ECM based hearing devices in terms of affordability and reliability. On the other hand, the use of MEMS technology has facilitated the process of reducing the size of the devices to such an extent, that at present, such devices appear almost invisible to the external world (Dwivedi and Khanna 2015). Thus, MEMS based hearing aid devices have actually eliminated the social stigma factor associated with the low rate of adoption of hearing aids. Ethical Implications of MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device According to experts Popelka and Moore (2016), MEMS based hearing devices have been undoubtedly devised keeping in mind the benefit of the users. However the novel intent has not been capable of eradicating some of the ethical challenges that are associated with the use of modern deices for healthcare practices. The authors have highlighted two such challenges, namely: Malpractices by medical experts: According to the researchers, the availability of the new technology might encourage certain sections of the physicians to prescribe the same to patients without considering any other factors that might lead to difficulties in hearing (Killion et al. 2016). Degradation of patient-doctor bond: The availability of MEMS based hearing devices in the market might actually encourage people suffering from hearing issues to start adopting them without any consultation with the physicians (Dwivedi and Khanna 2015). MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device V/s Traditional Methods As pointed out by Chang (2017), MEMS hearing aid devices are not only affordable to the common mass, but has are also capable of providing high quality services to the users. The unmatched aesthetic values of the same also make the devices far more acceptable than the traditional ECM devices that have been utilized for long. Thus, it can be said that the MEMS hearing devices provide better facilities to the users as compared to traditional systems. Post- Activity Questions Limitations to using MEMS based Hearing Aids Devices The research work conducted for developing this report indicates that as of now, no particular limitation of using MEMS based Hearing Aids Devices has been identified. Advantages of using a MEMS device over previous methods The advantages of using MEMS hearing aid devices are: The devices are small in size and are aesthetically built (Chang 2017). The devices provide quality services to the users. The devices are cost efficient. Potential or existing application of MEMS in agriculture In the field of agriculture, research works are being conducted with the aim of developing sensors that can detect the presence of pathogens in livestock products (Valente 2017). However, MEMS based sensors capable of measuring the moisture content of soils have long been utilized in agricultural fields (Palaparthy, Baghini, and Singh 2013). Limitations of MEMS and MEMS devices in replacing existing macro-electromechanical devices No such functional limitation of MEMS hearing aid devices has been identified as of now, that might act as a constraint to use the same as a replacement of existing ECM devices (Raj et al. 2015). Conclusions Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) or devices can be defined as an integration of electrical and mechanical devices, which when constructed on ICs are capable of conducting the operational activities of traditional macroelectromechanical devices. The discussion made in this paper highlight the wide range of applications of such devices in supporting people having issues with hearing. References Chang, C.S., 2017. Development and Research of Digital Hearing Aid. Dwivedi, A. and Khanna, G., 2015. Performance evaluation of MEMS based capacitive pressure sensor for hearing aid.International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS),2. Killion, M.C., Van Halteren, A., Stenfelt, S. and Warren, D.M., 2016. Hearing Aid Transducers. InHearing Aids(pp. 59-92). Springer International Publishing. Palaparthy, V.S., Baghini, M.S. and Singh, D.N., 2013. Review of polymer-based sensors for agriculture-related applications.Emerging Materials Research,2(4), pp.166-180. Popelka, G.R. and Moore, B.C., 2016. Future Directions for Hearing Aid Development. InHearing Aids(pp. 323-333). Springer International Publishing. Raj, A., James, A., Mathew, A., James, A. and Kirubaraj, A., 2015, February. Model design of MEMS based acoustic sensor for cochlear implant-wearable technology. InElectronics and Communication Systems (ICECS), 2015 2nd International Conference on(pp. 350-352). IEEE. Valente, A., 2017. MEMS Devices in Agriculture. InAdvanced Mechatronics and MEMS Devices II(pp. 367-385). Springer International Publishing. Wang, Z., Zou, Q., Song, Q. and Tao, J., 2015, June. The era of silicon MEMS microphone and look beyond. InSolid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on(pp. 375-378). IEEE.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Robber Barons Essays - Telegraphy, Deists, Rockefeller Family
Robber Barons Robber Barons When the names Carnagie, Rockefeller, and Edison come to mind, most of us automatically think of what we saw or read in our history books: These men were kind and generous and through hard work and perseverance, any one of you could become a success story like them, right? Wrong. I am sick of these people being remembered for the two or three good deeds they have done. Publicity and media have exaggerated the generosity of these men, the Government has spoiled these names with false lies, and people have been blind to see that these men were ruthless, sly businessmen who were motivated by your money and their struggle for power. How many history books teach such in-depth details like these? A prime example of the acts of a robber baron can be seen through the actions of John D. Rockefeller. A picture I have recently seen shows a group of people watching an old Rockefeller crouch over to accept a flower from a little girl. The caption reads John D. Rockefeller, American industrialist and philanthropist, is caught doing one of his good deeds. No wonder that only a handful of people can't distinguish that this old man was a crock and deserves to rot in hell! With all this positive media attention, the public had been fed lies! In real life, this money hungry, greedy villain is the prime reason why the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed. Rockefeller's dream was to monopolize the oiling industry, and he so successfully did. Because of his great empire (the Standard Oil Co.) and the wealth it brought, when any other competitor tried even to step foot into the oiling industry, Rockefeller dropped his prices until the rookie industry was forced out. After he regained monopoly, he then jacked up the prices. Sure, the people were mad, but what could they do? Many other industries depended on the oil that Rockefeller provided and besides, the Sherman Antitrust Act couldn't be enforced with these big businesses growing larger and larger. Another Robber Baron donated over 2500 libraries worldwide, he helped establish the famous concert hall in New York, and he helped finance several colleges in the US. Can you guess who he is? Yes! Andrew Carnagie. Now how about this person: In the early 1900s, in order to maintain control of the steel industry, he bought out rival plants, he ran a self running holding company which bough stock in itself in order to buy control of the industry, and he also hired children (as young as 9 years old) to work twelve hours a day under harsh, dangerous conditions and paid them the lowest wages possible. Can you guess who he is now? As a matter of fact it is our American Hero Andrew Carnagie! Carnagie did, for a fact, hire children because they were cheaper; yet these same children were sometimes required to run swing shifts which meant occasional 24 hour work days. It all too much of a commonality that these robber barons all share some of the same traits: ruthlessness, mistreatment of their workers, greed for money and power, and a Machiavelian way of doing business. With these traits in mind, who can consider these men heroes? It's the government and the big businesses which want us to think that way. It can only be them who portray these wicked as saints. But I am educated, and through research and learning, I am thoroughly convinced that the people who our America looks up to and admires, are a bunch of villains. Although many of America's Heros's have turned out to be greedy Robber Barons, I disagree with anyone who considers Thomas Edison one of these. We have had many great inventors and Thomas Alva Edison is among them. The creator of many inventions including the electric lamp, stock printer, light bulb, phonograph, and literally hundreds of other useful inventions. He worked at a railroad station when he was only twelve years old. That is where he was lead to the invention of both the Stock printer and the telegraph transmitter, as well as many other patents dealing with telegraphs such as the Automatic Telegraph, Duplex Telegraphs, Quadruplex Telegraph Repeater, Telephonic Telegraphs,
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