Tuesday, November 26, 2019
US electoral college essays
US electoral college essays ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM: Is it time for a change? The recent presidential election brought to the forefront of the American publics mind the question of whether the Electoral College remains an appropriate method of electing the nations highest-ranking public official. Although the closeness of this race reminded the general public that they did not have the right to directly elect the president, the debate as to the value of this system, or the question of what is the best method, is not new. In fact, the shortcomings of the Electoral College system have for some time been the subject of academic debate (Abbott). Over the years, the favor, and disfavor, of the Electoral College system has ebbed and flowed with the possibility of an election resulting in no majority winner, due to a viable third party candidate, or the possibility of a president being elected without winning the popular vote. Thus, with the recent election of president Bush, who failed to win the popular vote, yet garnered the 270 Electoral Votes necessary to atta in a majority, the debate has again gained momentum as not a purely academic question (Wildvasky). While the Electoral College system does serve several arguably desirable objectives, it also limits the personal power of the voter. This paper will look at both sides of the debate, and then draw a conclusion as to whether or not the value of the Electoral College system outweighs the costs. However, before looking at the pros and cons of our present system, it is best to begin with an explanation of how the Electoral College system came about and its original intended purposes. By understanding this, the foundation of the Electoral College system can be applied to the 21st century and examined for its relevance. Finally, this paper will conclude that the Electoral College system does not fit with the realities of 21st century elections, nor is it even being used, as it was intended when adopt...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Discomfort vs. Discomfiture
Discomfort vs. Discomfiture Discomfort vs. Discomfiture Discomfort vs. Discomfiture By Maeve Maddox A reader asks the difference between the words discomfiture and discomfort. Although you may find the words given as synonyms in a list, a distinct difference exists. Discomfort connotes a lack of ease. Discomfiture connotes unease together with embarrassment. discomfort (noun): 1. Something that makes a person feel (mentally or physically) uncomfortable; an inconvenience, a hardship. Also: a slight physical pain. 2. The state, condition, or fact of being (mentally or physically) uncomfortable; uneasiness. Here are some examples of both physical and mental discomfort: Why Fear of Discomfort Might Be Ruining Your Life Depending on where you experience the discomfort, eye pain can fall into one of two categories: ocular pain (occurs on the eye’s surface), and orbital pain (occurs within the eye). Rub-on pain reliever can ease arthritis discomfort Computer-related posture and discomfort in primary school children Turkey Summons US Ambassador In Ankara To Express Discomfort [over US speech] Other leaders expressed similar discomfort with the law but were not as outspoken, including the prime ministers of Canada and the United Kingdom. discomfiture (noun): 1. Defeat in battle, overthrow, rout. 2. Frustration of plans or hopes; utter disappointment; perplexity, confusion; unease, embarrassment. Discomfiture in the sense of a literal rout or defeat in battle is the word’s original meaning and occurs with some frequency in historical and religious works, but in current usage the usual sense is figurative. Here are some examples of the use of discomfiture: The Cup day at Goodwood was remarkable for the discomfiture. France’s Foreign Policy: the Discomfiture of Gambetta’s Enemies [Lebanon] has clearly been delighted by President Bashar al-Assads discomfiture Divest yourself of Bad Breath to Avoid Discomfiture in Public Meanwhile, Democrats who have few things to cheer them are enjoying the Republicans discomfiture. (Washington Post) Republican leaders are delighting in the Democrats discomfiture. (Los Angeles Times) To sum up, â€Å"physical discomfort†is what you feel with a pebble in your shoe. â€Å"Mental discomfort†is what you feel when you hear a government spokesman or news anchor say â€Å"have went.†Discomfiture is what you feel when you are all set to give a PowerPoint lecture to a room full of people, and the projector won’t work. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingUsing the Active Voice to Strengthen Your Writing20 Ways to Laugh
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Aspects of mental health promotion (part 1 and 2) Literature review
Aspects of mental health promotion (part 1 and 2) - Literature review Example In general, health promotion is all about being able to positively enhance health and prevent illnesses through the use of health educational intervention which can help people prevent diseases. In line with this, mental health promotion is all about health promotion that is more directed on the mental aspect of a person. Often times, mental health promotion aims to further improve the mental well-being of people and carers. Started sometime in 1975, health promotion in UK was focused on preventing the spread of diseases caused by either behavioural, environmental, physical, or lifestyle factors (i.e. alcohol consumption during pregnancy, obesity prevention, health eating and smoking cessation, etc.) (Nick, 2009, p. 78). In 2008, the European Commission together with the World Health Organization acknowledged mental health illnesses as 5 out of 10 major causes of disability all over the world. To improve mental health strategies between 2013 to 2020, a new resolution known as the WHA65.4 was developed to create comprehensive strategies and policies based on the responses coming from social and health sectors (World Health Organization, 2013). Mental health promotion is all about creating public awareness in terms of preventing mental health problems. For this reason, mental health promotion is considered important topic in public health. In general, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, alcoholism and obsessive-compulsive disorder among others can increase the risks for untimely deaths caused by accidents on top of having higher risks for more physical illnesses (Nick, 2009, p. 80). For these reasons, mental health problems are considered as one of the most serious and most important topic in public health (Katz and Pandya, 2013, p. 363). In UK, the Mental Health Foundation (2014) reported that 1 in 4 people tend to experience mental health problem each year. Specifically the prevalence rate of depression in UK is 1 in 5 older people (Mental Health
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Business environment - Essay Example These include social, political, economical and technological. These factors can make or break a business. In simple words the outside environments consists of stakeholders. A stakeholder is any group within or outside the organization that has a stake in the organization's performance. External environment mainly consists of people who have stakes in the activities of the business such as the government, local population, pressure groups and investors. To illustrate how these people are affected by the organization's activities, let's look at some examples: The factor that I consider to be the most important in the external environment is social and cultural values that have to be followed and respected by the businesses. If this business does not follow the social values of the country, it will face a legal action against it and will have to shut down. This is how social and political factors are related. So, no business can prosper if ignores the social environment of the country it is operating in. This obligation of organization management to make decision and take actions in conformity with the normal social values and practices of the country, which enhances the welfare and interest of the society, is known as the social responsibility of the business and it cannot survive if it chooses to ignore this factor. Although at first, it might become very complex to grasp the concept of social environment b... Although at first, it might become very complex to grasp the concept of social environment because different people have different thoughts about as to which actions will improve the society's welfare. Social factor is wide a category which also includes the ethical practices of the businesses, its conformity with the tradition of the country and its responsibility to follow legal laws of the country. As already discussed above, social environment is linked with the business's legal, ethical and discretionary policies. Similarly, social environment may also affect the political, technological and economic environment, either directly or through a series of patterns. All modern societies lay down ground rules, laws and regulation that businesses are expected to follow. The respect that the business has for these rules and regulations defines the legal responsibility in the social environment for the business. Businesses are expected to fulfill their economic goals within the legal framework. For example, oil companies may be asked that they are allowed emit only a certain amount of gases in the environment. Their failure to follow this legal instruction will mean that they have violated the necessary requirement and for that they may be sued or forced to shut down. Similarly, companies producing waste may be asked, not to dump this waste in the places of scenic beauties such as beaches, island etc. If they still do this then they are ignoring their legal responsibility in the social environment. If they are found guilty they may be fined or kicked out of the country. So, all businesses are expected to follow these laws. Since, most of the laws ar e made by political setup of the country,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Media assignment - Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free
Media assignment Of Mice and Men Essay Task: compare the opening sections of the two films versions of Of Mice and Men the 1939 black and white film starring Lon Chaney Junior and Burgess Meredith, and the 1981 colour version starring Randy Quaid and Robert Blake. You should look at the sections from the beginning of each film to the point where in each one Lennie says, Im shutting up, on the night before they go down to the ranch. The 1939 version starts off with George and Lennie running away from a group of angry men. Both sets of people are running on foot, this is different in the 1981 film because the pursuers are on horseback. The 1939 film is obviously shot in a studio because the back projection is easy to make out, also there is no sense of distance between the chasers and the chased because they are never seen in the same shot because the studio is not big enough to have a long shot so all of the shots are close-ups. However the 1981 film it is shot outdoors and the pursuers are on horseback in the 1981 film to make it more exciting and to shorten the odds on George and Lennies escape. Having horses would be impossible in the 1939 film because it is shot in the studio and it would have been very hard for them to shoot a chase with horses in. There is a very different use of music in the opening sections, in the 1939 film there is little use of music and it does not change during the chase however the 1981 film uses music very obviously to make the viewing more pleasurable. Whenever George and Lennie are on shot the music is all jumpy as if the characters are being chased (which they are!) this gets the viewers attention up and helps them to feel part of the chase. Whenever the chasers are on screen there is bad-guy music and this shows the viewer that they are the bad-guys and George and Lennie are the good guys. This is a very simple technique to use but the 1939 film does not even need to. The only technique it uses is it has a very peaceful scene with some rabbits at and this peacefulness is broken up by the thrill of the chase. There is a big contrast here and it is designed to take the viewer surprise and keep them interested. This is significant and symbolic because George and Lennie are peaceful and all of their plans are made and then they are destroyed as if horses have trampled on them. There are also clouds that are seen usually at the start of a storm and this could signify the start of the storm for George and Lennie. The 1981 film was made for television, to keep the viewer interested they have the credits over the top of the action and because of this the credits are done with just text over the picture, they are presented very simply and this is because it is faster to do it this way so that it takes up less of the film and it can be done over the action without ruining that action. In the 1939 film it was one of the first films ever to have action before the credits. This meant that they took time over the credits because they were actually in the middle of a scene. An extract from the poem that the book and therefore the film are connected to is written of the side of the train carriage as if it has been written there. Then the writers name comes up in what looks like a handwritten font to look like a signature. The 1939 film mentions the poem by Robert Burns, which goes: The best-laid plans o mice an men Gang aft a-gley, An leae us nought but grief an pain For promised joy. This is significant because the film is about plans made by George and Lennie which seem to be god and nothing could go wrong with them but something goes drastically wrong and leave George and Lennie with nought but grief an pain. The 1939 film does mention this however the book on which the film was based and the 1981 film do not. This could be because the 1939 film considers its viewers intelligent enough to understand and that they are at the cinema for a bit of culture however the 1981 film was made for television and so just for the action of it and it would not want to bore its viewers with poetry since most of the viewers will be watching for the action of the film rather than the significance of a link to a poem. The remaining credits are done skilfully and use the motion of the train and the objects that go past as wipes to change the credit picture so that it almost looks like they are actually written on the train. The way that the credits break up the action and are in b etween two sections of the film show us that time has elapsed and that the beginning was just setting the scene and the rest of the film is the main storyline. In the 1981 film there is a whole section with Aunt Clara that is not in the original film on which the later one is based. When George and Lennie are walking to Aunt Claras the music in the background is Red River Valley played on the mouth organ. This tells us a lot because the mouth organ was an instrument used a lot in old school western movies so tells us where and when this film is set. A more important point is that the song is about going home and that implies that Aunt Clara is home. At Aunt Claras we are shown by his actions what Lennie is like when he says, Ive been here before and Arent you going to eat your pie George? This is a comical thing to say and produced some laughs while we were watching it but also shows that Lennie acts like a small child in the things that he says and does. Lennie obviously hero-worships George when he repeats everything George says and he is shown to be not so bright when he calls his own Aunt maam. George moans to Aunt Clara and the words are nearly exactly the same as when he moans to Lennie in the woods later on in this film and in the same place in the 1939 film. This could show that George is bitter about having Lennie tagging along with hi but the fact that he uses the same words again means that it is rehearsed and the words do not come from the heart so he does not really mean them. This also sets the scene for us when George says, He aint no kin. This tells us that George and Lennie are not related. The writer feels that he might need this scene in the film because Aunt Clara is mentioned later on and the fact that the film is intended for television where you get people watching who are not paying a lot of attention means that actions and characters need explaining more thoroughly. This also explains the music and some of Lennies comments such as Ive been here before. George is presented a lot differently in the 1981 film than in the earlier version. The fact that George could even consider leaving Lennie would be impossible in the 1939 version. Even in the 1981 version George stutters when e tells Lennie to sit and wait as if he is not sure whether he should be doing it and that it is not planned. George then looks at Aunt Clara whose expression is impossible to read which tells us that she perhaps can understand why George would want to leave Lennie (backed up by her agreement to Georges moans earlier on) but does not think that he will go through with it (which he doesnt.) Lennie then fidgets and looks helpless when George gets a lift, George has always been around and is Lennies comfort blanket. Lennie has complete faith in George when he mutters, I know youre going to come back but this is heard when an image of George on the truck seen and this makes the viewer very doubtful to whether Lennie is right to place his faith in George. There is more use of music when George walks back after changing his mind. There is music playing when George walks back which suggests that time has passed and it is used so that it is not silent. The music stands still when George stands still and jumps when Lennie jumps and there is bad-guy music when the bad-guys are on and chasey music when Lennie has to run. This music is to try and get the viewer involved and to help them understand the film. This is a literalist use of music but is also a simple technique and it provides the viewer with a sense of excitement and involvement. The 1939 film does not use this technique at all. The following chase in the 1981 film is very similar to the original chase in the 1939 film and the later film could even start there and miss out anything before it if it wanted to be the same as the film that it was based upon. It is shot outside and the chasers are on horseback, they are running a different way and there are long shots indicating distances and George and Lennie lose them in a different way but simply George and Lennie are being chased and are almost caught but somehow they manage to get away. Both films then have George and Lennie travelling, in the 1939 film they are on the bus and in the 1981 film they are walking down the railway track. Both films suggest that they have travelled a long way, they fact that they are on the bus shows that it was too far to walk and on the railway track you can se for miles backwards and that implies that they have walked for miles from backwards. When George throws the stone at the advert in the 1939 film it is a very good shot to hit the face and this is not very good film making simply too good to be true. He throws the stone because there is an advert for the railway and by taking the bus they will have to walk for ten miles. The person on the advert is smiling a lot so this will irritate George because he will not be in the mood for smiling. Other examples of shots being done artificially include the huge amount of back-projection used in the 1939 film and the small amount used in 1981. The 1939 back projection includes: the original chase; jumping onto the train shown by the actors running on the spot and then stopping when they get on to the train and on the bus, first when sitting down and next when near the driver, shown by the phoney movement of the drivers arms on the wheel (there are fake bus noises when it stops, using brakes and then pulls away again.) The scene by the watering pond it is shot in a studio where again fake running water noises are used and fake bug noises that are supposed to be realistic but in the 1981 film it is shot outside in the real open air and there are no bug noises there because none have been added in. The only place where back-projection was obvious in the 1981 film was when George was sitting on the truck and behind him was back-projection, cleverly edited with long-shots that were real and real film when he got on and off. Back-projection was used a lot more in the earlier film because by 1981 it was possible to do a lot more filming outside because technology had improved. The 1981 film uses other techniques though. The choice of music is very important because the music nearly always has meaning, this can be as explained above or by the actual piece of music itself. Red River Valley is used again when George and Lennie are by the river and because it is a song about going home it suggests that George and Lennie are going t their new home, which will be the ranch. New World Symphony is used when George and Lennie are walking along after the visit to Aunt Claras and the second chase. New World Symphony is based on a song Going Home which is used at funerals, this could mean that George and Lennie are on a trip to take one of them (Lennie) home for good. All the music is played on the harmonica, which is a plaintive instrument that amplifies the point that the songs are making. The last scene by the river are almost word-for-word the same in both films. The second film is an adaptation on the first film so this is to be expected. Even the acting of the four men is very similar and the moving around is the same. This could be because the adaptors of the second film have liked the way the first film does this part of the production and could not think of a better way to do it so they did it in exactly the same way as the first film.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Essay
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Both Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 portray hedonistic societies. The inhabitants of both societies seek to enjoy themselves for as much of the time as possible, however only citizens in Brave New World are truly happy. This leads to the conclusion that humans can never be truly happy, according to the authors, as their natural selves. The people in Brave New World enjoy themselves with promiscuous sex, complicated sports, movies called feelies that engage all the senses, and excessive use of the mind-altering drug called soma. Their schedules are always full. A Controller relates the workings of society to some adolescent boys, telling them happily that â€Å"the old men work, the old men copulate, the old men have no time, no leisure from pleasure, not a moment to sit down and thinkâ€â€or if ever by some unlucky chance such a crevice of time should yawn in the solid substance of their distractions, there is always soma†(Huxley 67). When they are awake they are working or playing sports with coworkers, during the nights they attend the feelies and the parties and go home with someone to have sex with. The people are conditioned to never want to be alone, to always be engaged, never thinking further than what their job requires. For the people whose jobs require little or no thinking, special castes are created with alcohol added to the brains, destroying cognitive functions. The hedonism portrayed in Fahrenheit 451 tends to be darker. People drive cars as fast as they can to get a sense of speed, regardless of who or what they may run into. The fun houses that people go to have â€Å"games†such as the window smasher, playing into ... ...tory system until the person can no longer breathe. The overdoses of soma are few and far between however, the Brave New World society appearing to genuinely believe in its happiness and the suicide rate being correspondingly very low in contrast to the nightly attempts in Fahrenheit 451. The majority of the aspects in the two hedonistic societies are equivalent. Conditioning the minds of the population appears to prove far superior to motivating them with fear. In Brave New World the only ones who are unhappy are those who do not respond to the conditioning, who do not receive conditioning, and those who are separated from society. No one is truly happy in the society of Fahrenheit 451. Works Cited Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: The Ballentine Publishing Group, 1953. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. Garden City, NY: Country Life Press, 1929.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Feasib Rationale of Restaurant Essay
Since the members of our group do like Philippine native foods, we decided to come up with a native restaurant business, the â€Å"Probinsyana†. The purpose of this native restaurant is supports the middle class to low class people. Being able to deliver great customer service, great food, and great atmosphere. A hit that will surely be loved by the masses is what this is all about. Probinsyana cuisines have its influences from different countries. This is due to the fact that traders and colonizers have visited the Philippines for centuries. The American and Spanish colonizers, and the Chinese and other Southeast Asian traders influenced and brought a twist on the Filipino cuisine. Chinese is one of the contributors of the Filipino cuisine. Chinese influences the Filipino on making noodles or what we call pancit. For many years Chinese people interact with the Filipinos and some of them stay and live in the Philippines. They teach their wife on how to cook some Chinese delicacy but using ingredients found in the Philippines. When the Spaniards came to Philippines, they introduced the Spanish culture. The Spanish colonies often influenced the Philippines in many different ways. As much as 80 percent of Filipino food originates from Spain. Tomatoes and garlic, for instance, both staple Filipino foods, were introduced from Spain, as was the cooking method of sautà ©ing using olive oil. For example, Adobo, Adobo means marinated sauce for pork. Spain can also lay claim to the delicious range of Filipino desserts and pastries. Baked goodies such as pan de sal and ensaymada are of Spanish origin. When American defeated the Spaniards and colonies the Philippines, they introduce a little American cuisine. Although Americans didn’t make that much of an influence in Philippine cuisine, they certainly changed the way Filipinos dine. They introduce the fast-food chain that and can goods which is until now available everywhere. Native Filipino cooking is not too spicy despite the fact that spices are plentiful and readily available in the islands. The basic staple is rice of which hundreds of varieties are cultivated. Main source of protein is fish which abound in oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and ponds. Meat, especially pork and poultry, is also commonly eaten. Beef is readily available but is more expensive; the cattle industry not being well developed in the country. Veal and lamb are not too popular but goat meat is considered a delicacy in some parts of the country as are frogs, rabbits and deer. It is often when sampling native Filipino dishes that one appreciates the regional variations in the country. For while it is true that Filipino culture is homogeneous, there are specific differences in cooking and food preferences that readily identify the regional origin of many dishes. Although these differences are not as pronounced as in the regional variations of Chinese cooking, for instance, they are widely recognized in the country where regionalism plays an important role because of its geographical division into many island-groups. Foreign Study The word restaurant was unknown until 1765. At that time a Frenchman called Boulanger opened such an establishment in Paris to serve meals and light refreshments. It was so successful that it was quickly imitated by others, and many new establishments with the same idea and calling themselves restaurants opened in France. The ward restaurant was not generally used in England until the end of the 19th century. In England, the restaurant idea spread more slowly than in France. At first there came the tea shops, and in 1873 the first restaurant was opened in London.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Essay on Global Warming Essay
Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate. Even though it is an ongoing debate, it is proved by the scientists that the planet is warming. The 29th century is experiencing a continued increase of Earth’s mean atmospheric temperature by about 1.4 degrees F and about two thirds of it occurring since 1980. This is global warming is affecting the nature’s balance and has a huge impact on life like continued heat waves, and sudden occurrence of storms and floods. Don’t we see time to time the epidemics that are devastating to human life and the flooding of the farmlands that puts economy in a deep hole? Scientific evidence indicates that since 1950, the world’s climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from non -stop burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests. Since the industrial revolution till this day, there is a constant emission of the carbon into the atmosphere, everything we do we leave carbon footprints. It is a man made cause of the global warming. The global emissions jumped 3 percent in 2011 and are expected to jump another 2.6 percent in 2012, researchers reported. The greenhouse effect is a process by which the greenhouse gases absorb thermal radiation; these are then reradiated in all directions. But when some of these radiations come back to the surface and lower atmosphere, it causes increase in the average surface temperature leading to global warming. Global warming Causes The causes are many of which the main culprit is the increase in the greenhouse gases that is produced by burning fossil fuel and deforestation, thus intensifying the greenhouse effect leading to global warming. The four main contributors of the greenhouse effect are, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. Mining for coal and oil releases methane in the atmosphere. More ever the leakage from natural gas fields and landfills are additional source of methane. Excessive cutting down of the trees is another factor causing global warming. When deforestation happens the efficiency by which carbon dioxide is stored and oxygen released by the green plants are decreased to a huge rate in turn causing increased concentration of carbon dioxide that leads to increased greenhouse effect. The nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes are other factors that cannot be forgotten as the cause of Global Warming. Another source of methane is methane clathrate, a compound containing large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. As methane escapes from the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming will increase significantly. Ice caps and glaciers reflect sunlight, bouncing high temperature sun -rays back into space away from the Earth. When these icecaps are removed the earth gets warmer as the dark oceans absorb much thermal radiation from the sun. Some regions may be wet with rain and some areas will suffer drought due to global warming. The climatic changes happen due to global warming. Seasonal changes are unpredictable unexpected thunderstorms might result as mentioned earlier. The burning of wood (should be reduced to a greater extent) releases oxidizable carbon to the atmosphere whose presence in greater amount causes the elevation of temperature. There is strong evidence that emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were the major cause of the recent abnormal warming. Like carbon CFC do not trap heat but in the presence of UV rays the chlorine gets detached from CFC, drifts up into the stratosphere and these unattached chlorines catalytically convert Ozone molecules into Oxygen molecules depleting the ozone layer.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Early and Middle Adulthood Essays
Early and Middle Adulthood Essays Early and Middle Adulthood Paper Early and Middle Adulthood Paper Early and Middle Adulthood Crystal Hicks October 6, 2011 Marcy Caldwell PSY/280 University of Phoenix Adulthood does not have any sign to declare its presence (as adolescence is declared by puberty). In technologically innovative countries, the life span is greater than age 70. In early adulthood, most individuals are interested in processing the knowledge that it takes to become intimate, these individuals are wanting to form relationships and find the intimate love connection that they are seeking. Some long-term relationships could be being developed during this time, which most likely result in marriage and children. The emerging adult is now also faced with some career decisions. Choices that concern family and marriage are sometimes during early and middle adulthood. Research shows that divorce is more common among individuals who marry during adolescence, or for people who have parents that are divorced, and for those who differ in age, attractiveness, personality, people that get divorced eventually remarry; so some children may be exposed to having two sets of families. There is also another alternative to getting married; it is called â€Å"cohabitation (Berger, 2010). †All this means is an unwed couple that lives and shares space together. The choices that people make concerning their work or career affects every aspect in their lives. It affects friends, job stress, child care, residence location, political values, and many other aspects in one’s life. Income, career longevity, achievement, recognition, satisfaction, security, and challenge are all important factors when looking or finding a job or career. During middle adulthood, one of the most important challenges is to gain a genuine interest for the welfare of the generations to come. During this stage of life they also develop a need to give back to the world by working and being involved with their families. According to Robert Havighurst, â€Å"there are seven major tasks that happen throughout the middle years. †One must adjust and accept the physiological changes, such as menopause and andropause. One’s satisfaction in reaching and maintaining their occupation. One must adjust to or possibly care for their aging parents. They are helping the teenagers in their lives become responsible adults and citizens. By this time one should have already achieved their civic and social responsibilities. At this time they should consider their spouse as being an individual. Lastly, they should be finding some type of leisure activities (anonymous, 2011). Some individuals may go through a â€Å"midlife crisis†during these stages of life. A midlife crisis could cause one to do excessive spending, gaining weight, or getting depressed. People of this age are realizing that their lives are half over. They are wanting to do the things that they did not do in the earlier years. Or it may be just the opposite; they may be wanting to isolate themselves. When one goes through these stages of life, they have found themselves and are focusing on planning for the later years of their lives. Motivation and determination will play a critical and crucial part in these stages of adulthood. Eventually, they are going to want to retire and just be able to enjoy their lives. Whatever the case may be, we all have to face the fact that we cannot stay young forever. References CliffsNotes. com. Development in Early Middle Adulthood. 6 Oct 2011 cliffsnotes. com/study_guide/topicArticleId-25438,articleId-25385. html. EBOOK COLLECTION: Berger, K. S. (2010). Invitation to the Life Span. New York: Worth Publishers.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
PSAT Test Dates 2018
PSAT Test Dates 2018 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Will you or your child be taking the PSAT in 2018? Are you wondering what day the exam will be held?The PSAT is different from other standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, because you cannot choose which day you’d like to take the exam. When will this test date be? What if you can’t make it? This guide will answer both those questions, as well as explain the importance of PSAT scores, when you can expect to receive your scores, and how you can prepare for the exam. How Is the PSAT Administered? When you take the SAT and/or the ACT, you’ll have a choice of test centers and dates to choose from. This isn’t the case with the PSAT.With the PSAT, you’ll take the exam during the school day (unless the exam is on a Saturday) at your high school, on a date that has been predetermined by the College Board, the makers of the PSAT. The College Board offers a primary test date and an alternate test date, and each school decides which date they will administer the PSAT on.The College Board recommends using the primary test date, and the vast majority of schools will choose that date to administer the PSAT. Generally, schools will only choose the alternate test date if there are circumstances that make it impossible for them to choose the primary test date. You’ll have to take the PSAT on the date that your school offers it. What Are the Expected PSAT Dates for 2018? What will the PSAT test date be for 2018? Here are the official 2018 PSAT test dates: Primary test date: October 10, 2018 (a Wednesday) Alternate test date: October 24, 2018 (a Wednesday) Saturday test date: October 13, 2018 (a Saturday) As mentioned above, each school will choose a test date and inform its students in advance as to when that date will be. Most schools choose the primary test date, which, for 2018, will be October 10. What If You Miss Your PSAT Date? What if you can’t take the PSAT on the date your school is offering it? Are there any other options if you’re sick or absent that day? Yes! If you miss the PSAT exam date, you may still be able to retake the test. In order to do so, you must contact the National Merit Scholarship Corporation in writing by March 1st. On their website, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation states, â€Å"A student who does not take the PSAT/NMSQT because of illness, an emergency, or other extenuating circumstance, but meets all other requirements for NMSC program participation, may still be able to enter the competition. The student or a school official must write to NMSC as soon as possible after the PSAT/NMSQT administration to request information about procedures for alternate entry to the National Merit Scholarship Program. The earlier NMSC receives the written request, the greater the student's opportunities for meeting alternate entry requirements. To be considered, a request must be postmarked no later than March 1 following the PSAT/NMSQT administration that was missed. NMSC will provide alternate entry materials that require the signature of a school official.†For most people, the only reason to try and make up the PSAT would be if you’re aiming for National Merit.If you just wanted to use the PSAT as practice for the SAT, it’s much easier to take a timed practice test on your own time rather than go through the whole process of making up the PSAT. If you miss the PSAT, you may still have another chanceto take it. When Will You Receive Your PSAT Scores? After you take the PSAT, how quickly will you receive your scores?You can expect to get your PSAT scores in January, so about three months after you take the exam. Sometime in January, typically in the middle of the month, you’ll receive an email telling you that you can view your scores on your College Board account. Your school counselor will receive access to the scores the day before. By the end of the month, your school should also issue paper score reports to all students who took the PSAT. Your score report will include your total score (from 320-1520), two section scores in Evidence Based Reading and Writing as well as Math (from160-760), three test scores in Reading, Writing and Language, and Math (from 8-38), as well as several other subscores so you can see how well you did on specific areas of the test.Your score report will also include your Selection Index Score (ranging from 48 to 228), which will give you an idea if you quality for National Merit. PSAT scores are important for two main reasons. First, they give you an idea of how well you’d perform on the actual SAT and where your strengths and weaknesses are. Second, juniors who take the PSAT have the chance to qualify for National Merit awards and scholarships if they score very well on the test. Want to improve your PSAT score by 150 points? We have the industry's leading PSAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today: How to Prepare for the PSAT To get ready for the PSAT, follow these three tips to help ensure you get your best score on test day. Step 1: Become Familiar With the Exam You want to sit down on test day knowing exactly what to expect from the PSAT.This means you should be familiar with the format of the exam, how long the exam will be, and when you get breaks.We have an introduction to the PSAT to get you started. Once you feel solid with that general information, start looking at the exam more in-depth. What types of questions will be asked in each section? What subjects will they be on? How will they be worded? How many questions are in each section.Check out a more in-depth guide to the PSAT as well as a guide on how the PSAT is scored. By learning this information, you’ll be able to focus your studying more effectively, and you won’t be tripped up by any surprises on test day. Step 2: Create a Study Plan When you create a study plan, it’s easier to track your progress, and you’re more likely to study.Create a schedule of when you’ll study each week. It helps if you can choose a regular time, such as 5-7pm Tuesdays and Thursdays or 12-3pm on Saturdays, because you’ll be more likely to remember to study and not double-book yourself. Also, set regular goals you want to meet each week or month, such as a topic you want to understand better or a score goal you want to meet. Creating a study plan will make your PSAT preparation more focused and effective, and you’ll be able to see if you’re making the progress you want. Step 3: Take Practice Tests One of the best ways to prepare for the PSAT is to take practice exams. These practice exams will give you an idea of how well you’ll score on the real thing and let you know which areas you should focus your studying on.We have links to free official PSATs you can take to help you prepare. In order to get the most out of these tests, you should take the test timed, in one sitting, and with minimal distractions. This will help you get the most accurate score. Like chess, when youpractice the PSAT your skills will improve. Recap: PSAT Test Dates 2018 Unlike other standardized tests, the PSAT is only offered once a year.The primary test date for 2018 is October 10, with alternate test days offered on October 24 and October 13. Your school will choose which day it will administer the PSAT, with most schools choosing the primary test date. If you miss that test date, it’s still possible to make up the PSAT by writing to National Merit. The PSAT is important as preparation for the SAT and as the way to qualify for National Merit. To help yourself do well on the exam, you can become familiar with the test, create a study plan, and take practice exams. What's Next? Not happy with your initialPSAT results? Here's everything you need to do to raise your PSAT score. What PSAT score do you need to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship? Find out by reading this guide! How does the PSAT differ from the SAT? Learn the four key differences between these two exams to help with your future studying. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Management Accounting for Cadbury Schweppes plc Case Study
Management Accounting for Cadbury Schweppes plc - Case Study Example The most important information requirements which could aid the managers of the business include the information that are related to issues like planning & decision making, monitoring the business performance, building and maintaining a competitive advantage. In planning and decision making the managers are guided to what will produce the attainment of the companies’ corporate financial objectives. Planning is not only limited to day to day operation of the business but also how the business maximizes its revenues and profits and many areas of its operation. Updated information of revenues and expense accounts of the company are therefore very relevant for the company managers to effectively plan and make decision. Revenue accounts refer to accounts as a result of delivering goods and services to clients. Expense accounts include the cost of production like direct labour cost, raw materials and the factory over head associate with production. Monitoring the business performance presupposes knowledge of data of measurements that would tell managers whether they are accomplishing their objectives are not. The financial information on revenues, expense, assets and liabilities are therefore relevant information for the company to effectively have monitoring activities. The following are the chosen methods or techniques: Budgeting, Variance Analysis, Absorption Based Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis. Budgeting techniques is applicable to the information needs of company. ... requirements which could aid the managers of the business include the information that are related to issues like planning & decision making, monitoring the business performance, building and maintaining a competitive advantage.In planning and decision making the managers are guided to what will produce the attainment of the companies' corporate financial objectives. Planning is not only limited to day to day operation of the business but also how the business maximizes its revenues and profits and many areas of its operation. Updated information of revenues and expense accounts of the company are therefore very relevant for the company managers to effectively plan and make decision. Revenue accounts refer to accounts as a result of delivering goods and services to clients. Expense accounts include the cost of production like direct labour cost, raw materials and the factory over head associate with production.Monitoring the business performance presupposes knowledge of data of measu rements that would tell managers whether they are accomplishing their objectives are not. The financial information on revenues, expense, assets and liabilities are therefore relevant information for the company to effectively have monitoring activities. 2.1.2 The four suitable costing and management accounting methods/techniques applicable to the information needs earlier identified. The following are the chosen methods or techniques: Budgeting, Variance Analysis, Absorption Based Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis.Budgeting techniques is applicable to the information needs of company for activities like planning & decision making and monitoring the business performance of the company. A budget includes revenues and accounts that are projected
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