Monday, September 30, 2019
Ophelia can be viewed as an insignificant minor character Essay
Ophelia can be viewed as an insignificant minor character in the play through the way she is used as an unwitting pawn in schemes of those who have control over her, as revealed in Act 2 Scene 2 where Polonius says â€Å"I will loose my daughter to him†when he and Claudius plan how they will ‘test’ Hamlet’s madness. The word loose objectifies Ophelia, portraying her as an animal used as bait for Claudius’s own objectives; spying on Hamlet. Ophelia’s character does not have a say in the matter, and through her absence in this particular scene, Shakespeare is able to emphasise her insignificance in the play. Ophelia’s lack of appearance in the play also portrays her character as minor and insignificant, as Shakespeare only uses her character in 5 scenes. For the majority of these scenes, Ophelia has little contribution to the dialogue and her spoken lines are often responses to questions and commands by others who dominate the play, for example in Act 1 Scene 3 Ophelia’s responses are short in comparison to her father’s and brother’s dialogue, most of which contains instructions on how Ophelia is expected to act; â€Å"Do not believe his vows†¦ Look to’t I charge you. Come your ways†. The use of imperatives in this scene show how Ophelia is dominated by others and is therefore highlight her insignificance in the play. This is further portrayed in Ophelia’s responses, such as â€Å"I shall obey, my Lord†. The use of â€Å"my Lord†reveals her inferior status and through minimalistic speech we are able to gain a sense of her unimportance to the action of the play. Another way in which Ophelia may be viewed as insignificant is in her marriage prospects. Her brother Laertes, who suggests that she is not good enough for Hamlet, condemns her relationship with Hamlet, who tells her to regard Hamlet’s love as something unlikely to last and potentially dangerous: â€Å"Fear it my dear sister†. Hamlet is a prince and therefore Ophelia’s status makes her inferior in comparison and as a result, an unsuitable wife. Both her brother and father tell Ophelia how to behave, for example Polonius instructs Ophelia to spend less time with Hamlet; â€Å"Be something scanter of your maiden presence†. This dominance over Ophelia, as well as her subservience, again presents her of an insignificant status in the play. Ophelia does not say or do anything to indicate she is unhappy about the instructions given to her by her brother or father. However, another interpretation of Ophelia’s subservience is that obedience is a role she plays. She is expected to act as a loyal daughter and responses such as â€Å"But as you did command†suggest she is carrying out orders to keep her father content. Shakespeare reveals a weak Ophelia in Act 4 Scene 5 in which she is in a state of madness, through her songs about death, chaos and unrequited love. The poignancy of her songs (â€Å"He is dead and gone lady, he is dead and gone†) as well as the reactions of other characters (â€Å"Alas sweet lady†), induce a piteous reactions, allowing the audience to sympathise with a character who has become so weak it has led to madness. In contrast to her minimalistic speech, in Act 1 Scene 3, Ophelia has dominated the speech. This may suggest that Ophelia’s character is only of significance when she is in a state of madness. The taboo nature of her songs reveals a character stepping out of the bounds of her social status and this contrasts to how her father has ordered her to act. The death of Polonius may be a cause of Ophelia’s madness and this is evident when Claudius says â€Å"Oh this is the poison of deep grief; it springs all from her father’s death†. This may suggest that Ophelia becomes weak without the presence of the dominant male authority. Her father is dead, her brother is absent from the country and she has been rejected by Hamlet; without them Ophelia collapses. Shakespeare presents Ophelia as weak in Act 4 Scene 7 where she is unable to save herself: â€Å"As one incapable of her own distress†. The suggestion that Ophelia has committed suicide may have been used by Shakespeare to imply that Ophelia’s weak state did not allow her to go on living. Shakespeare uses Ophelia’s character to portray many aspects of Hamlet’s character, for example Shakespeare is able to reveal Hamlet’s capability of staggering cruelty through his treatment of Ophelia in the nunnery scene. Shakespeare presents this cruelty through the use of brutal commands and insults such as â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery†. In Act 2 Scene 1 Ophelia presents herself as a victim of Hamlet’s rough treatment; â€Å"He took me by the wrist, and held me hard†, revealing Hamlet’s capability of cruelty. There is also evidence of Hamlet’s cruelty when he embarrasses Ophelia in public, asking her â€Å"Do you think I meant country matters? †Hamlet’s wit enables him to belittle or mock other characters and the fact that there is little sign of Ophelia’s character reinforces the idea that she is a minor character. Another thing that is revealed about Hamlet through Ophelia is Hamlet’s judgment of women. In the nunnery scene, Hamlet accuses Ophelia; â€Å"You jig, you amble, and you lisp, you nickname God’s creatures, and your make your wantonness your ignorance†, revealing his disgust towards women. Shakespeare lists the deceptions to reinforce Hamlet’s repugnance towards the women in his life. Once again Shakespeare has revealed Hamlet’s feelings through his words to Ophelia. Ophelia’s character is also used to portray ideas about other characters, for example when handing out flowers to other characters, Shakespeare develops ideas about the nature of other characters through the type of flower that Ophelia gives to them. For example, one of the flowers she gives out is a daisy, which represents deception – an act that could be linked to Claudius’s character. By doing this, Shakespeare is using Ophelia in this scene to indirectly criticise the characters, and the connotations associated with the various flowers would be widely understood by the audience in Shakespeare’s day. It could be argued that Ophelia is chiefly interesting for reasons other than what she reveals about Hamlet, for example Ophelia is important in the manner in which she illuminates discussion of some of the play’s central themes, one of which is the oppression of women in society. Shakespeare presents Ophelia as oppressed through her lack of opinion and contribution in the play. The mere fact that she can be viewed as insignificant shows the audience that Ophelia is oppressed by male authority in the family. Polonius tells Ophelia that she â€Å"speaks like a green girl†, implying that she is nai ve, and this comes across to the audience as patronising. The alliteration of â€Å"green girl†emphasises Polonius’s condescending tone. By belittling Ophelia, he is able to gain control of the conversation. Ophelia is told to â€Å"think herself a baby†, suggesting that she is constrained from using her own mind and must follow the orders given to her. Ophelia’s character is presented as one with no point of view; as she says â€Å"I do not know my Lord what I should think†. Through statements such as this, Shakespeare reveals an oppressed Ophelia who is unable to think for herself due to the strict control by men in her life. The fact that Ophelia is being used as a pawn in men’s political affairs is also a sign that she is being oppressed. When Polonius offers to â€Å"loose†Ophelia, he is taking advantage of her by offering her as a service without her consent. This also portrays Ophelia as a possession that belongs to Polonius. On the other hand, it could be argued that Ophelia’s character is not oppressed, but in fact in need of male control. In Act 1 Scene 3 Ophelia says â€Å"I shall th’effect of this good lesson keep as watchman to my heart†. The use of â€Å"good†implies that the advice is necessary for Ophelia’s well being and is taken on by her with a positive attitude. When asked by Laertes to remember what she has been told, Ophelia responds by saying â€Å"‘Tis in my memory locked, and you yourself shall keep the key of it. †This statement also shows Ophelia is willing to take on her brother’s advice. This argument can be supported by the idea that Ophelia collapses without her father or brother, and that she in fact benefits by being in their command. Ophelia is also significant as her character is crucial for the plot and setting the scene in the play, for example, in part it is her death that motivates Laertes to take revenge on Hamlet. Another example of the importance of Ophelia in the plot is that her death is used by Shakespeare as a catalyst for confrontation between Hamlet and Laertes.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How does steinbeck portray George, hero or villian? Essay
â€Å"Of Mice and Men†is based on the major themes of hard reality, dreams, companionship and tragedy; particularly relevant to 1930’s America, following the depression and economic poverty it caused. Steinbeck portrays George as a flawed character who doesn’t display archetypal heroic qualities, however the reader empathizes with him. Steinbeck therefore ultimately presents him as a anti-hero within the context of the narrative. At the beginning of the novel, Steinbeck portrays George as a flawed character. George and lennie travel to a ranch , indicating the unsettled lifestyle of men during 1930’s. Before arriving at the ranch, George loss his temper with lennie : â€Å"morosely†implying bad temper and unsociability, and perhaps emphasising George’s villainous side. another perspective may be the build up of Georges anger, due to complications in weed. Steinbeck implies this using the word â€Å"restless†. The enraged language heightens Georges villainous attributes, combined with adverbs â€Å"explodes†and â€Å"snapped†, increasing the readers confusion about George although they empathize with his hardships faced by staying with Lennie However, these hardships are questioned by his actions later in the novel. Georges relationship with lennie conveys his character as a anti-hero, however this doesn’t highlight his lack of conventional heroic attributes. Lennie’s portrayed as protective towards George: nobody hurts George†â€Å"Lennie growled†. Nonetheless, this juxtaposition intensifies the contrast between the pair. Perhaps Steinbeck uses this to intrigue the reader about the dynamics of their relationship, heightening the human side of George and allowing the reader to empathize with George under the circumstances. Steinbeck describes George as having â€Å"sharp strong features†: due to his work as a itinerant migrant worker during the US depression. However, the reader may begin to question if Steinbeck is using the adjectives to describe Georges physical appearance, or his strong character. Despite this, George’s most heroic quality is his intense care for others, specifically Lennie, where the reader observes the complexities of their companionship. â€Å"I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another†: Steinbeck allows the reader to notice Georges kinder human characteristics. On the other hand, Steinbeck uses the adverbs â€Å"morosely†: the negative language empathises Georges villainous side. Additionally, Steinbeck uses the verbs â€Å"snapped†and â€Å"glared†to present George as harsh and sharp. Combined with â€Å"harshly†and â€Å"briskly†the readers ambiguous reaction towards George is increased, and some sense of heroism is lost. the loss is intensified towards the end of the novel. In contrast to George, Steinbeck describes lennie as â€Å"patient†. juxtaposing Lennie’s innocence with Georges frustration. Despite this George looks â€Å"ashamedly†, which contrasts against his temper heightens his human characteristics compared with lennie â€Å"anguished face†. ** However this confuses the reader about Georges emotion towards Lennie’s, making the reader question whether Georges a hero or villain. The element of dreams is the most powerful symbol in the novel, representing the possibility of self-reliance and freedom. Steinbeck presents George as inventor of the dream, therefore his heroic attributes become visible. Steinbeck conveys George as essentially protecting other characters from the cruelties of the world. Additionally, Steinbeck portrays George as an inspirational welcoming character, as George allows candy and crocks to become â€Å"bemused by the beauty†of the dream. However this heightens their desperation and loneliness but also the trust and reliance they have in George. Even though each character subconsciously knows the dreams a unrealistic goal, they are still â€Å"amazed†. George spoke â€Å"reverently†conveys his deep respects and awe towards the dream, almost as if it was sacred. This could connect to his surname â€Å"Milton†: reference to paradises lost a 1930’s poem about the destruction of a perfect place. here, Steinbeck heightens his human attributes. perhaps another perspective could be that George allowed the character to dream falsely as he knew the dream wasn’t achievable. in the context of 1930’s economic situation, maybe he knew â€Å"they’d never do her†and he agreed as Lennie â€Å"usta like to hear about it†. on the other hand, the dream may have been created for Georges benefit and selfishness. Therefore, through George’s dream Steinbeck highlights both heroic and potentially villainous attributes of his character. In the last scene, George murders lennie not through an evil intention but a mercy killing. Steinbeck creates a paradox as George intends to kill lennie however George portrays being cruel to be kind. Steinbeck’s presentation of Georges internal conflict is finally resolved. The reader observes that the Curley will punish lennie brutally and slowly; â€Å"shoot for his guts†. Therefore the reader empathises with George, as he makes a conflicted decision between two actions. In contrast to George, Steinbeck portrays Curley as an archetypal villain. Curley is described as â€Å"terrier†. the malicious language elevates his villainous traits above Georges. combined with the adverbs â€Å"lashed†and â€Å"harsh†the readers negative reactions towards Curley heighten, as they’re unable to trust Curley, instead they feel a sense of alert and tension when he’s around. therefore, when comparing George and Curley, George villainous qualities decrease and his heroic actions become more visible. Despite Georges complaints about lennie, he feels a brotherly connection with Lennie because Lennie provides an escape form loneliness of a migrant workers who are †the loneliest guys in the world†. However, an alternative perspective that heighten George heroism, is that perhaps George killed lennie, as he realised Lennie was a danger to society. Overall, the reader witnesses the depth of the sacrifice George made, even though it shattered is own dreams, strengthening the readers empathy towards George. Despite this the reader is unable to forgive Georges actions. This concludes Steinbeck as portraying George as a conflicting character, an anti-hero.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Use plate tectonic theory to explain the origin of Mount St. Helens Research Paper
Use plate tectonic theory to explain the origin of Mount St. Helens (and by extension, the Cascades and all Andean-type mountains) - Research Paper Example Juan de Fuca is one of the plates that slide under the continental North American plate causing the convergence. Volcanic eruptions near the oceanic lithosphere contributed to the formation of the Cascades and Andean-type mountains. This was because of the subduction of the landscape along the mountains that led to the invasion of magma from the layer and some due to crustal reduction. It is apparent that at the boundaries of the ranges are sedimentary rocks that slant, forming hogbacks. When the molten rocks and solids present under the earth mix together, then they form the magma. This substance is capable of triggering intrusion into the adjacent rocks that form the sills. The magma rocks are formed when explosive gases and hot underground water melt the glacial ice near the mantles (Price 24). The magma at Mt. St. Helens contains glacial rocks, ash and sedimentary rocks that melt during eruptions to form the mountain. This happens when the pressure pushed up the weaker sedimentary rocks that mix with the ash along the mantes (Foxworthy and Hill 23). The eruption can take long hours in the atmosphere before reaching the surface and this is harmful to the people in the vicinity. The magma erupted through the explosives are highly viscous and resistant to flow, which make the steep volcanoes. As a result, the chemical investigation of the eruptive materials from various phases of Mount St. Helens volcanism indicates that the magmatic structure interacts with different chemicals such as silicic and other compounds (Anderson 50). The Andean-type mountains extend from the Columbian to the Chilean regions. They were shaped through the subduction of the Nazca plates that collided with the Antarctic plates to cause an eruption. In this regard, the other geologic features associated with the Andean-Type mountains entail faults, folds and igneous rocks (Price 24). These features are remnants of active eruptions
Friday, September 27, 2019
Peer Review primary research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Peer Review primary - Research Paper Example Yes. The article’s goal according to Aazam et al 2010 is to indicate how one can cope up with life after undergoing a surgical operation due to various diseases. Through the support of nurses, the patients are educated on how to manage the situation. The treatments of the disease include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy which cause a lot of pain to the patient and worries. Yes a qualitative methodology is appropriate. Aazam et al 2010 indicates various techniques that are qualitative in nature that can be applied by the patients as well as nurses to address the disease. The article focus was to indicate how a patient can continue with life after undergoing surgical operation, according to this article, the problem is quality of life in ostomy patients incase one is diagnosed and treatment starts for instance in case the doctor decides to do a biopsy which may work or not. This is a weakness since if biopsy does not work then pain and bleeding may occur increasingly and the only remaining thing is to start chemotherapy and radiotherapy which again may work or not which is given a number of day so that the doctor can diagnose and see whether things are okay. According to Aazam et al 2010, qualitative methodology is the right methodology for addressing the research goal since at long last is to survive through the entire period with a colostomy, urostomi es and ileostomies maintaining good relationship with the stoma nurse. Yes. Aazam et al 2010, article research design was appropriate to address the aims of the research. Aazam and others adopted various ideas from experts in order to address his aims. Additionally, the article included ideas from published nursing articles in order to provide adequate information that is reliable and resourceful for nurses. According to the article, during the entire period of pain and worries, one may have a major or a minor surgery but major surgery is mostly done and this
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Aegisplc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Aegisplc - Essay Example The common stocks of the company are traded in the London Stock Exchange under the symbol CEY and it is also traded in the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol CET. The value of CEY common stocks as of February 22, 2013 is $54 (Yahoo, 2013). The company has offices in London, Egypt, and Australia. The majority of the firm’s employees are located in Egypt. The total revenue of Centamin Plc in fiscal year 2011 was $340.4 million (Annual Report: Centamin, 2011). The firm’s revenues increase by 183% in comparison with the previous year. In 2011 the net income of Centamin Plc was $177.79 million. The profitability of the company is outstanding. The firm’s gross profit in 2011 58.8%, while its net margin was 52.27%. The net margin is a measure of the absolute profitability of a company. The firm’s earnings per share (EPS) in 2011 was $16.68. EPS is a financial metric that tends to have an effect on the market price per share (Garrison & Noreen, 2003). A high EPS ratio is a desirable outcome. The total assets and total equity of the company as of December 31, 2011 were $834.52 million and $806.22 million respectively. The return on assets of the company in 2011 was 21.33%, while its return on equity metric was 22.08%. Both financial metrics are outstanding illustrating that the company is generating good revenues in rel ation to both its assets and equity. The current ratio of the company is 10.34. Current ratio is a solvency ratio that measures the ability of a company to pay off its current obligations. The formula to calculate current ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities. The company’s current ratio is outstanding considering the fact that a current ratio is good if is above the 1.0 threshold. Another solvency ratio is working capital. Working capital shows the ability of a company to pay its current liabilities solely with its current assets. The working capital of the firm in 2011 was
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Compliance managment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compliance managment - Research Paper Example In this way the organization or institution gets to limit damages and manage the risk posed by non-compliance. In the compliance management scenario some regulations and policies were violated. The patient’s health information is expected to be handled confidentially but Mr. Stephen’s health information got passed on to his family members and its privacy was lost. In addition there is the issue of information storage that was handled incorrectly. As a result, the phone number indicated in the patient management system that could be used to reach Mr. Stephens is different from the one in the electronic health records. The first step that the compliance management officer would do is to ensure there are documented details of the entire scenario for clarity purposes. It would then be recommendable to assess the extent of damage in order to ascertain the appropriate next step which would in this case be compensation of Mr. Stephens to avoid litigation. However, if Mr. Stephens was to refuse the offer, then the clinic legal advisor would have to be contacted to engage in the legal dispute. This scenario is a violation of compliance as the organization regulations require patient information to be handled with care. Non-compliance here applies when the health records of the patient get mixed up and the health information of the patient gets passed on to the wrong recipient. Regular review of patient information would ensure that incorrect entries are identified and corrected therefore avoiding an occasion where patient information gets passed to the wring person (Lekatis, 2012). In addition, an appropriate framework should be developed that would ensure clinical staff are taught on compliance and on better clinical documentation ways. In the workflow, key compliance issues, such as confidentiality and caution when handling patient
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
No - Essay Example It would be hard for the company to be able to do the transaction without it being a donation. From the proposal, the company would be selling the Panini at three dollars per piece. Considering that the company spends four dollars on every Panini in the production, the company will be operating the transaction at a loss of one dollar every sale. His being the case, the company can only accept the proposal only where the transaction is a donation to the MBA students or if it were a marketing strategy and they would increase the prices later. b) Starbucks currently sells a Stainless Steel Clip Handle Tumbler - Gold, 16 fluid ounces in its stores for $22.95. Starbucks buys the Tumbler from a manufacturer in China for $ 9.00. A representative from a company in Vietnam is offering to sell them for 25% less than cost from the manufacturer in China. Discuss the issues that you would consider in deciding whether or not to accept this offer. In deciding whether or not to accept the offer from the manufacturer in Vietnam, I would consider various factors. These factors include: the quality of the products, the durability of the products, the ability to serve the purpose for which they are acquiring. Mainly, I would consider the quality, considering the low cost of the products; the quality of the materials would probably be compromised. Due to this, I would critically evaluate all the aspects of the product to ascertain that the quality of the products is at par. Besides this, I would consider the accessibility of the products from the supplier. Since Vietnam is a country that is not well developed, I would consider how the goods are to be moved from the country to Starbucks premises since the cost of acquisition would be higher in the long run due to transport costs. Basically, I would focus mainly on these areas. When preparing an incentive plan for the store managers, it should be budgeted to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Analysis of the Existing Strategy of the TUI Group Essay
Analysis of the Existing Strategy of the TUI Group - Essay Example The modern critics of the modern forms of planning and management postulate the notions that the modern world is dominated by uncertainty, complexity and widespread of ambiguity. It is, therefore, noted that in such dynamic environment, there is need of being flexible to respond swiftly to the changing conditions and this often calls for the alteration of the already established organization’s strategies to suit the current market structures (Weaver & Oppermann 45). Business and organization strategies offer the illustrations on the activities that the managers and stakeholders undertake as designed to achieve the firm’s objectives either in the short run or long run. Every organization has a purpose to accomplish and a defined direction of achieving it and these are always clearly articulated and embraced in their mission statement thereby acting as a guiding principle (Holloway 65). In a broader sense, business strategies are considered to be game plans that enable an organization to execute its activities that are geared towards achieving their objectives such as the expansion of market share and sales. Definition according to Ansoff takes business strategy as the common thread among firms, activities and the product markets that are aimed at defining the fundamental nature of the business that the organization has planned to be in the future. He, therefore, introduces the Ansoff Matrix that gives four main strategies that when impleme nted by an organization helps in the attainment of business growth.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Fact Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fact Paper - Essay Example Baking soda is generally naturally occurring because it is mined from trona ore, although it can also be chemically made (â€Å"Soda Ash†1-1; â€Å"What is Baking Soda?†). Baking soda is an alkali that can be applied on conditions or materials that need pH levels to be adjusted by decreasing the quantity of acid in it (Garvin). It has a gritty structure, and it gives off carbon dioxide when heated (â€Å"What is Baking Soda?†). Because of these properties, baking soda can serve numerous beauty, cleaning and health purposes (Fassa; Halvorson; Mercola). Baking soda can be used for beauty purposes. Baking soda can be put in one’s underarms to serve as a deodorant (Marvin). It does not stop sweating, but it can prevent the production of body odour (Marvin). Doctor Joseph Mercola recommends baking soda as a deodorant because it does not have harmful parabens and aluminium that are usually found in commercial deodorants. Apart from baking soda’s deodoriz ing effect, it can also exfoliate the skin. Doctor Mercola states that a â€Å"paste [can be] made from three parts of baking soda combined with 1 part water [and it] can be used as an exfoliator for your face and body. It’s natural, inexpensive and gentle enough to use every day.†Baking soda can exfoliate the skin gently and naturally, so it can be used as a facial and body scrub (Marvin). In addition, baking soda can be used as a teeth whitener. Doctor Mercola suggests that people can crush a ripe strawberry and mix it with half a teaspoon of baking soda, spread it on their teeth, and leave it on for five minutes. People should brush their teeth and rinse after (Mercola). He recommends for this to be done only once a week for teeth whitening because baking soda can corrode tooth enamel (Mercola). Wendy Michaels reports that Julia Roberts only uses baking soda as her toothpaste, and she has white teeth, which could be proof that baking soda can whiten and clean teeth . Furthermore, baking soda can make skin feel softer (Marvin). For those who want a baking soda soak or baking soda bath, they can use a cup of baking soda and mix it with their tub, and they can have soft skin afterwards (Marvin). Baking soda can also be used as shampoo. People can add a teaspoon of baking soda to their shampoo bottle to help eliminate build-up of chemicals from conditioners, mousses, and sprays and to better manage hair (Halvorson). Some people also use baking soda as shampoo, also called as no ‘poo method (Oxenreider). Tsh Oxenreider advises adding one tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of water and to use that as shampoo. She explains that shampoo products mostly have chemicals that actually dry scalp and hair, but baking soda will not because it is a naturally occurring substance that adjusts pH levels of hair and scalp (Oxenreider). These are some of the beauty uses of baking soda that people can try. Baking soda can also be used as a purifying and cle aning agent. Baking soda is often sold as an air purifier that can be used inside refrigerators, cars and other containers (Fassa). It can also deodorize many things, such as carpets and shoes (Fassa). Just sprinkle them on these objects, let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then remove it to minimize odour (Mercola). Baking soda can be sprinkled on slippers, boots, shoes, and socks to get rid of foul odour too (Marvin). Moreover, baking soda is a cleaning agent in the kitchen and bathroom. Baking soda can
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Airport Incident Management System Essay Example for Free
Airport Incident Management System Essay 1. Introduction Airport operations are growing in complexity day by day, and extend across multiple service providers at the airport – namely ground handlers, customs, immigration, retail tenants, air traffic control, security, baggage handlers, airlines consortiums and airlines. These agencies use the airport infrastructure in such a way that they meet their commitment to their customers in due time. These commitments put a lot of pressure on the airport infrastructure support staff to keep the systems up and running efficiently. Currently these services are handled manually at most of the Indian airports, so there are umpteen chances of these services to breakdown at most appropriate time when airport are supposed to meet their stated commitments with agencies. These incidents are very frequently occurring, particularly at the busy airports like Delhi and Hyderabad where pressure to meet timelines are heavy on airport infrastructure. Therefore there is a need for a technology solution to provide the flexible and proactive service delivery which guarantees the availability and usability of the infrastructure available at the airport to meet the commitments. This case study discusses a solution that raises the service level of the airport to its agencies and eventually creates a positive image in the minds of its users. This case study is based on this technical solution provided at one of the busy airport where the technical solution created, provides the right answer to different stakeholders at the airport. The context diagram [pic] Source Internet 2. Case Study Purpose The purpose of this case study is to highlight the technical solution provided to solve the problems arising due to the multiple agencies of the airport using the same airport infrastructure. 3. Case Study Methodology The methodology to arrive at the solution to the use of airport infrastructure problem was the extensive survey method and later on the software implementation methodology for implementing AR Systems (Incident Management Components). The Survey Method A questionnaire about the status of services provided by the current staff to the concerned agency department was circulated and feedback collected. The response feedback was consolidated and improvements discussed and applied. A need to streamlining the procedure or writing the standard procedure was felt and implemented in the short run. Visits by senior management staff to similar airport and studying the response to the tender floated by the airport led to the long term planning of implementing the software solution. 4. The technology strategy After the gruesome struggle to provide the required service 247 at the airport terminal building, a search for better technical solution that can cater to the current requirement and as well as give scope for future growth is always on. A team of experts were constituted to suggest the course of action which can address the airports infrastructure problem in the short run and simultaneously can find appropriate technology solutions to mitigate the problem as well as expand the extent of service at the airport for future projections. Short Term Planning – It was felt that in short run the airport operation must have the standard procedure which can be followed and improved with the experience of supporting the agencies of the airport. The performance of the support staff can also be measured and their skill enhanced to meet requirements of different support levels. Long term Planning – An appropriate IT solution must be developed or procured to record incidents / solutions and can use the learning/Knowledge for handling future incidents.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Financial Statement Analysis A.G. Barr
Financial Statement Analysis A.G. Barr Financial Statement Analysis Introduction A.G. Barr p.l.c. is based in United Kingdom it maufacture, distribute, and sell soft drinks. A.G. Barr. operates in carbonates and water. Company has a wide range of brand’s which includes IRN-BRU, Rubicon, Barr Brands, KA, Strathmore, Simply, Tizer, D’N’B, St. Clement’s, Findlays and Abbott’s. Company also has some partnership brands which includes Orangina, Rockstar and Snapple. The manufacturing area located in United Kingdom. Findlays Limited, subsidairy of A.G. Barr P.l.c., is engaged in Rubicon Drinks Limted and natural mineral water as well as the manufacture and distribution of soft drinks. Schweppes International Limited is also a franchise partner of A.G. Barr p.l.c in United Kingdom, authorized for manufactures and sells Orangina. It also has collaboration with Rockstar Inc. in the United States to sell and distribution of energy drink, Rockstar brand in Ireland and United Kingdom. The following pie-chart represent market share of soft dr inks and low calorie drinks. They strategy have developed in a way to deliever long term growth in value and focusing on core brands and markets, brand portfolio, route to market, partnerships, efficient operations, people development, sustainablity and responsibility. Financial Review The business performance throughout 2013 of A.G. BARR has perform well in U.K soft drinks market especially in second half of the financial year with double digit growth rate. The economic conditions in the core market segments survied difficulties in 2012, as well as the increasing cost of promotion effect margins. A.G.BARR growth rate for volume and revenue increased more rapidly then the market in carbonates ans still segments. The overall growth of softdrinks experienced carbonates growth rate of 3.8% in value but decreases in terms of volume, showed growth of 1.9% with avolume declining 1%. In 2013 A.G. BARR carbonates volume increased by 6.0% and revenue increased by 7.1%. On the other hand stills also performed better with a growth of 4.3% in revenue and 4.1% in volume. In addition to delievering a growth higher then the market and much of the build program associated with their new production and storage facility at Crossley Road, Milton Keynes. The Milton Keynes site is an i mportant asset for future business developments. Adverse whether condition in 2012 impacted soft drinks category according to Nielsen research, reflects 0.7% decline while to volume grew by approximately 3%. Conumer participation in the carbonates category has remained at high level supported by price-driven promotions across the main brands. Ratios analysis over the last 3 years Profit Margin: According to the financial statements ended January 2013, Company declared a profit after tax of  £ 25.564 million which represent 10.76% of its sales. Current year revenue grew by approximately 7% from prior year and 3.42% on the basis of average growth rate from the last three year. Profit before tax and exceptional item in 2013 increased by 4.3% but profit margin was slightly reduced in 2013 as compare to 2012, due to higher cost of goods. In 2012, observed as a climate of continued economic uncertainty and increasing cost. Despite these challenges companys profit before tax and exceptional item increased by 6.2% from 2011. In 2011, Profit before tax increased by 13.3% from 2010. In 2011 AG Barr observed 10.4% growth in revenue as compare to 7% in UK soft drink market. Current ratio: measure the financial stability of a company to pay its current liability. According to the financial statement, in 2013 current ratio represent 1.31(in times) thus company has enough to pay its financial obligation. Current ratio in 2012 represent 1.46 (in times) which shows that company financial stability in 2012 is better among 2011 and 2013. Quick ratio: measures the financial stability after deducting inventories and prepaid expense because they cannot be easily converted into cash at fair value. Quick ratio show clearer picture then current ratio, the company’s financial stability in 2012 of having 1.043(in times) as compare to average 0.9 (in times) in the rest of year. Working capital: is defined as the financial ability of a company to pay its short term obligation. Working Capital is an important factor used to measure its financial health. Working Capital Management is the strategy of a company to maintain efficient levels of both asset and liabilities to improve their earnings. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. It involves management of inventories, cash, accounts payable and account receivable. Working capital is required to support the day to day business operation it is treated as life blood for smooth and effective business operations. Working capital in 2013 and 2011 is less as compare to the 2012. In 2012 company has  £ 20.934 millions more than its liabilities. Thus in 2012 company has managed their day to day operations effectively. Dividend: A.G. Barr’s efficient performance through the year enabled them to distribute per share dividend. In 2012 company’s profitability reflected in its dividend, declared  £ 25.96 per share, which is high through the rest of years. Inventory turnover ratio: measures the number of times the company sold its inventory throughout the year. AG Barr have inventory turnover of 6.51(in times) in year 2013 which means that company has 1.84 month of supply of inventory on hand. In 2012 and 2011, company has 2.02 (in times) and 2.05 (in times) months of supply of inventory on hand. ROE ROA: Return on equity in 2013 is greater then return on asset by 12.55% across the year it means that company is utilizing its asset perfectly as well as optimizing its debt effectively. It also shows that management is generating good result from shareholders’ investment. Account receivable turnover: Account receivable shows credit policy of a company according to which average time allow to customer to pay their debt. In 2013, 12.64 days took to recover their credit sales. Among the three year, in 2012 company was recovering their sales quickly at the rate of 7.70 days as compare to the rest of years. Operating Risk: can be defined as the more the proportion of fixed cost and lower variable cost is said to be high operating leverage. A ratio which is commonly used to determine the effect of operating leverage at given level on the firm’s potential earning is calculated by dividing, % change in EBIT by % change in Sales. Financial Risk: is the use to debt in it is calculated by dividing % change in EPS by % change in EBIT. Financial risk is not dependent on sales because whether a company has high or low sales it has to pay fix interest. By calculating financial leverage of AG BARR it appears that only 1% change in EBIT, Earning per share would change by 0.93. Preparation of financial statement: Financial statements of A.G. BARR p.l.c. have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as adopted by the European Union. They have been prepared under the historical cost accounting rules except for the derivative financial instruments and the assets of the Group pension scheme which are stated at fair value and the liabilities of the Group pension scheme which are valued using the projected unit credit method. FINANCIAL MARKETS AND THEIR IMPACT Financial market is a market where an individual and corporation can trade financial securities, commodities. This table shows classification of market and instrument through which corporations can raise funds. Raising funds from equity market may lead the investor to think that the company financial flexibility is weak, and they are unable to get funds from banks or other sources. Stock issue leads to decreased earnings per share. Raising capital from foreign investor involves two main risks which are relevant for foreign investor. They include economic risk and political risk. Economic risk is less in countries with strong and stable economy situation. On the other hand political risk is linked with the economic stability of a country. Political decision and policies plays an important role in an economy. Political risk also called sovereign risk, the ability of a company to pay its foreign financial obligation. Risk is defined as uncertainty. The indication of risk and reward guide the investor that it would have a possibility to loss some or whole of its investment, an investor may experience bullish trend on his investment. Risk and return are directly correlated. The more you take risk, the more the likely return is, because investor demands additional return for additional risk. In finance this relationship is known as the security market line. Common stock and corporate bonds are two asset classes. Corporate bond is a debt instrument and common stock is equity. Corporate bonds and, TFCs are issued by a corporation and sold to investors. Government bonds are less risky then corporate bonds. Common stock is riskier then corporate bond because if an organization goes bankrupt, common stock holders get last priority until debt holders and preferred stock holder have received their assets. But common stock holders have the possibility to earn greater or lower return as compare to stable return on corporate bonds. As far as A G BARR, capital structure for the last two years shows that debt weight-age of the total asset was 42.64% and 50.44% in 2012 and 2013 respectively. So the company has raised fund through debt in order to meet the financial need of company. One of the major benefits by using debt financing is tax advantage and borrowing has a fixed return to stock holder. It has positive impact on the firm but because company failed to control its operating expenses, net profit in 2013 is less than 2012. Future Prospects A.G. BARR has observed a healthy performance in a marketplace impacted by the mixture of very poor summer weather conditions and the continuing economic challenges faced by consumer goods companies, especially raw material cost pressures and unpredictable consumer demand. Looking ahead it is doubtful that these challenges will significantly change, however they remain carefully confident that the combination of our established operating model, continued focus on efficiency, building brand equity, sound balance sheet and ability for growth prospect leave them well placed to continue to build on this performance. In the year ahead, they expect some decrease in the pace of input cost inflation which we expect to be at a low single digit level. Current market pricing for PET is down year on year, fruit pulp costs are lower but the cost of sugar remains persistently high Conclusion A.G. BARR has delivered strong financial performance in challenging year markets. Their products continue to respond well to equity investors. They have driven strong growth in revenue and volume and have continued to increase market share across the soft drinks market. Product and supply chain innovation enabled numbers of consumers to their brands. They are further investing in assets, acquiring additional capacity that enables them to grow according to consumer demands and in line with the market pace. Following a challenging 2011, last financial year survived with strong in terms of operational performance. Last year reported growth in products availability and customer service has improved and cost managed effectively. During 2012 the potential merger received overwhelming shareholder support. In 2013, financials reported profit before tax increased to  £ 35.0 million, showed 4.3% increase from the previous years. Earnings per share increased during the year by 10.9%. Their ba lance sheet measures have improved, showed net assets of  £130.6 million, during the year company also generated free cash flow to the firm of  £ 22.0 million. A.G. BARR p.l.c. group brands, as well as their franchise brand Rock star, showed 8.6% growth. This performance is above as compare to the market reflects that they continued opportunities to develop availability, innovation and distribution among their brands. Their geographical growth rates grew by 4%, and investment except U.K. grew by 12%, showing both important long term growth opportunities and comparably important share from their brands. References A.G. BARR p.l.c. Annual report 2013 pages 70 124 Results Announcement January 2013.pdf [Accessed: 12th May 2014] A.G. BARR p.l.c. Annual report 2012 pages 62 – 94 results announcement January 2012.pdf [Accessed: 12th May 2014]
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Terrorism: Media Simplistically Portrays War as Good vs. Evil :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Media Simplistically Portrays War as Good vs. Evil  The morning of September 11, 2001, will be a communal memory for many around the world. On this morning, peace was threatened by terrorism on United States ¹ soil and the U.S. declared war in defense of peace. The majority of television, print, and internet media coverage of these events have focused around a discussion of good vs. evil. In this paper, I will address ways in which hegemonic and counterhegemonic forms of media have contributed to the discussion of good vs. evil at war.  The depiction of good (us) vs. evil (them) in the media has justified war in the name of peace. The United States ¹ first visual of good vs. evil came with television broadcast statements from the leaders of this war. From this, the American public ascertained that the evil guys are led by Osama bin Laden who promised that  ³America will not live in peaceÃ… 1 ² sitting atop a rock outside a cave. In turn, the good guys are led by President George W. Bush who, from his leather chair in the White House, asserted  ³We are at war with terrorism.2 ²Ã‚ These broadcasts became proof for many that  ³they ² attacked peace therefore  ³we ² were justified in declaring war. President Bush extended this belief by reminding the American public that,  ³If you ¹re not with us, you ¹re against us.3 ²Ã‚ This statement called all of America to war against terrorism; Bush ¹s comment implied that those in opposition are the enemy. As one of the most access ible forms of news, television has become the most powerful form of social pedagogy. With few exceptions, television has succeeded in perpetuating and legitimizing a hegemonic good vs. evil mentality where  ³we ² are good and  ³they ² are bad. One could argue that few have sufficient media literacy skills to deconstruct dominant messages put forth by the majority of television networks.  Conversely, internet and print media have, on more occasions, provided counterhegemonic alternative readings on the September 11 events. One can still visit mainstream websites such as NBC, ABC, FOX, and CNN to view hegemonic references of good vs. evil. A series of clicks on one ¹s mouse can take a web surfer from photos of candlelight vigils and Twin Tower donation centers to sites where one can watch Powell and Bush, singing calypso, about the demise of Osama Bin Laden as well as play an interactive torture game on the leader of evil4.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dissociative identity disorder :: essays research papers
The growing recognition of psychiatric conditions resulting from traumatic influences is a significant mental health issue of the 1990s. Until recently considered rare and mysterious psychiatric curiosities, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (until very recently known as Multiple Personality Disorder - MPD) and other Dissociative Disorders (DD) are now understood to be fairly common effects of severe trauma in early childhood, most typically extreme, repeated physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. In 1994, with the publication of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) was changed to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), reflecting changes in professional understanding of the disorder, which resulted largely from increased empirical research of trauma-based dissociative disorders. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), widely accepted as a major mental illness affecting 9-10% of the general population, is closely related to Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) and other Dissociative Disorders (DD). In fact, as many as 80-100% of people diagnosed with DID (MPD) also have a secondary diagnosis of PTSD. The personal and societal cost of trauma disorders [including DID (MPD), DD, and PTSD] is extremely high. For example, recent research suggests the risk of suicide attempts among people with trauma disorders may be even higher than among people who have major depression. In addition, there is evidence that people with trauma disorders have higher rates of alcoholism, chronic medical illnesses, and abusiveness in succeeding generations. What Is Dissociation? Dissociation is a mental process which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. During the period of time when a person is dissociating, certain information is not associated with other information as it normally would be. For example, during a traumatic experience, a person may dissociate the memory of the place and circumstances of the trauma from his ongoing memory, resulting in a temporary mental escape from the fear and pain of the trauma and, in some cases, a memory gap surrounding the experience. Because this process can produce changes in memory, people who frequently dissociate often find their senses of personal history and identity are affected. Most clinicians believe that dissociation exists on a continuum of severity. This continuum reflects a wide range of experiences and/or symptoms. At one end are mild dissociative experiences common to most people, such as daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or "getting lost" in a book or movie, all of which involve "losing touch" with conscious awareness of one's immediate surroundings. Dissociative identity disorder :: essays research papers The growing recognition of psychiatric conditions resulting from traumatic influences is a significant mental health issue of the 1990s. Until recently considered rare and mysterious psychiatric curiosities, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (until very recently known as Multiple Personality Disorder - MPD) and other Dissociative Disorders (DD) are now understood to be fairly common effects of severe trauma in early childhood, most typically extreme, repeated physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. In 1994, with the publication of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) was changed to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), reflecting changes in professional understanding of the disorder, which resulted largely from increased empirical research of trauma-based dissociative disorders. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), widely accepted as a major mental illness affecting 9-10% of the general population, is closely related to Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) and other Dissociative Disorders (DD). In fact, as many as 80-100% of people diagnosed with DID (MPD) also have a secondary diagnosis of PTSD. The personal and societal cost of trauma disorders [including DID (MPD), DD, and PTSD] is extremely high. For example, recent research suggests the risk of suicide attempts among people with trauma disorders may be even higher than among people who have major depression. In addition, there is evidence that people with trauma disorders have higher rates of alcoholism, chronic medical illnesses, and abusiveness in succeeding generations. What Is Dissociation? Dissociation is a mental process which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. During the period of time when a person is dissociating, certain information is not associated with other information as it normally would be. For example, during a traumatic experience, a person may dissociate the memory of the place and circumstances of the trauma from his ongoing memory, resulting in a temporary mental escape from the fear and pain of the trauma and, in some cases, a memory gap surrounding the experience. Because this process can produce changes in memory, people who frequently dissociate often find their senses of personal history and identity are affected. Most clinicians believe that dissociation exists on a continuum of severity. This continuum reflects a wide range of experiences and/or symptoms. At one end are mild dissociative experiences common to most people, such as daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or "getting lost" in a book or movie, all of which involve "losing touch" with conscious awareness of one's immediate surroundings.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Iron & Coppersulfate
Introduction: Making observations are very important in chemistry. It should be done carefully and precisely to ensure no mistakes. This experiment was all about observing. In this experiment, a set of chemicals were used to set up an experiment. The experiment was observed for three days. The chemicals used were copper sulfate (blue crystals), sodium chloride (salt), and iron. Copper sulfate is a chemical compound which is produced commercially by reacting various copper (II) compounds with sulfuric acid [1]. It generally appears as a bright blue or green crystal [1]. Its chemical formula is CuSo4. Iron is silver-white magnetic metallic and readily rusts in moist air [3]. Its chemical formula is Fe. The chemical reaction was demonstrated by the iron reacting to the copper sulfate. Copper Sulfate Crystals [4] Materials & Methods: Materials: 2 small circles of filter paper, 1 iron nail, 5 grams of copper (II) sulfate, 10 grams of sodium chloride (salt), and 1 small piece of plastic wrap Method: Briefly, 5 grams of copper (II) sulfate was placed in a test tube. Filter paper was placed on top of that, 10 grams of salt were then added, and then more filter paper was added. An iron nail was placed faced down on top of that last filter paper and then the test tube was filled with enough water to cover up the nail. Last, the test tube was observed for the next three days. Results: Time| Observation| Day 0| * The tip of the nail had turned pinkish-red * The bottom of the tube, which was clear and blue from the copper sulfate was now bright green| Day 1| * The entire nail was now pinkish-red * Some copper had shed off of the nail and was resting on top of the salt * The water turned yellow * The tube is now dark-almost black green at the bottom * There was less copper sulfate| Day 2| * The entire nail was pink * The water was still yellow * A lot of copper has shed from the nail * The copper sulfate has dissolved (it is only about 1 gram left)| The above can be summarized by this chemical reaction: Fe(s) + CuSo4(aq) Cu(s) + FeSo4(aq) iron copper (II) copper iron (II) sulfate sulfate Discussion: The purpose of this experiment was to show how iron reacts to copper sulfate. It seems like iron got jealous of copper sulfate’s chemistry so iron stole sulfate from copper. That’s how iron sulfate came to be and that is also why copper is now alone. The purpose of the salt was to slow the reaction down. The purpose of the water was to dissolve the copper sulfate. The purpose of the filter papers were to separate the chemicals. The evidence of the change that was observed was that there was no more copper sulfate but there was now iron sulfate. Bibliography: 1. http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-copper-sulfate. htm 2. http://www. finishing. com/4000-4199/4134. shtml 3. http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/iron 4. paulslab. compaulslab. com http://www. paulslab. com/crystals/copper-sulfate. html
Monday, September 16, 2019
Human Nature in Shakespear’s Plays
Topic- in Shakespeare’s plays how is his unusual detailed knowledge of nature as well as of human beings shown? Shakespeare was a man who deeply loved nature and the beauty of it. He was not just an author who experienced and enjoyed nature but also as someone who studied, understood and knew nature intimately. In this essay there will be discussions about how Shakespeare would often use examples from nature to describe the nature of human beings in his plays and how did he show a deep understanding and knowledge of human nature which he would put that deep knowledge in his plays and poems.Shakespeare’s greatest influences were the works of other great writers as well as from variety of books, and plays which he used as subject materials for his own plays. He got most of his ideas from existing written literature. All of his plays were based on British history, adjusted to suit the occasion. He also drew ideas from many things that he grew up with, like his love for nat ure gave him several ideas how to write some of his plays and poetry. Besides this, he got many ideas from his childhood as his father is known to have often told him ‘bedtime stories’.Shakespeare may have got inspirations from nature and some ideas of characterizations from real life experiences but his plots where never made from events that happened in his life. Two of his favorite writers were Geoffery Chaucer (1340- 1400) and Plutarch (46-120). Chaucer, who was the first poet ever to be buried at the â€Å"poet’s corner†in Westminster Abby was from a wealthy family where his father was as a deputy to King Edward the third’s butler. Chaucer’s poetry was in Middle English and he was known to be one of the finest poets in England. Shakespeare admired him and many of the sources of his plays came from Chaucer’s poems.Plutarch studied philosophy and he taught it as a teacher in Rome where he earned the admiration of the emperors Traja n and Hadrian. Plutarch’s work was translated by Sir Thomas North which had become very popular in Renaissance England. His translations were then used by Shakespeare himself as sources for many of his plays like Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, etc. The way Shakespeare examined and admired nature was quite different from regular viewers. His way of seeing nature was deep and he would use it in many other forms as well.He would usually find ideas for his poems by what he saw and nature was the biggest part that inspired him how to write his poems and plays. For example in one of his plays named King Lear, the concept of nature is considered to be the groundwork of the whole play. From Kingship through to personal human relations, to the views of the empire, from the representation of human nature to the animal imagery, there was nature filling every line of King Lear. Nature is a socially constructed concept which is made in order to legitimize the exist ing social order.By drawing a brief sketch of the political and social beliefs of the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages, it will be at the same time outlining the arguments for believing that nature truly is the socially constructed concept. The Elizabethan and Jacobean age was a time of change and disorder. They were not known for their unity. Elizabeth had her subjects worry about who would succeed her as she was not married, therefore there was no heir to carry on with the throne. ‘Kings are justly called Gods for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power on the earth. This quote was taken from the speech of James I where he describes the divine rights of Kings. James I had succeeded Elizabeth I to be the first Stuart King. Although he had the Kingship, he still was not able to overcome the political and financial problems of the state. In order for the continuation of his reign, the unity and harmony of the state and nature was of great importance. He legitimi zed his power by naturalization. Therefore by ‘nature’ everyone has its place, and knows the duties and obligations to that place, and those who have power cannot be questioned which are the divine rights of Kings.The belief in the social order restricting from the natural order is an important concept to hold when probing the idea of nature being utilized to maintain the status quo. The interdependence of man and nature as a theme is explored in King Lear. Men are always represented in the relation to the divine hierarchy which is the physical world and the world of animals but they are never represented in isolation. It becomes easier to understand the actions of Lear with the almost constant references to nature, once the concept of correspondence between man’s nature and the natural world is understood in terms of legitimizing the social order.In King Lear, the tragedy shown in the play is when Lear tries attempting to overthrow the ‘natural’ soc ial order by handing over his crown to his daughters. Once disorder is initiated by Lear’s revocation of his powers and rights as King, disaster in corresponding hierarchies follow. Lear’s abandonment of his power is in direct opposition to the concept of the Divine Right of Kings. According to the laws of nature, it was impossible for Lear to stop being a king, because that was his rightful position by divine ordination and in fact throughout the play he is still referred to as the King, even though he has divided his crown.Also Lear is unable to stop seeing himself as the King, which can be seen from his banishment of Kent, soon after he has relinquished his powers: Hear me, recreant, on thine allegiance, hear me: That thou hast sought to make us break our vows, Which we durst never yet, and with strained pride To come betwixt our sentence and our power, Which nor our nature, nor our place can bear, Our potency made good take thy reward. King Lear (1. 1. 169-173)In t his speech Lear not only uses the power of the King which he no longer holds to banish Kent, but he also, unknown to himself, explains why he cannot or should not divide his kingdom, for it goes against both his ‘nature’ and his ‘place’ to divide his ‘power’ from his ‘sentence,’ which is exactly what he does, thereby attempting to deny his nature and position. Aside from the natural position of Kings the natural social order can also be seen in terms of power relations between characters: King over subjects, fathers over daughters, husbands over wives. This naturalization can be seen as being represented by the character of Lear.He possesses his daughters, because he controls over them, therefore it is only ‘natural’ that they should proclaim their love for him. Cordelia’s refuses this which is therefore shocking to Lear and he calls her ‘a wretch whom nature is ashamed’. (1. 1. 213-214) The animal imagery that is shown in King Lear indicates the unnaturalness of a character‘s behavior in comparison to how they should behave if they observed the natural social order. This contradiction again underlines the distinction between nature and the ‘natural social order’. Shakespeare was good in phycology and describing the human character.He did not state many new ideas of human nature in his place as much as he did on the personalities and behaviors that all human beings have. There still are experts that claim that Shakespeare was the ‘inventor of human nature. However, these were Shakespearean experts and not the experts in psychology or human personality. It was not that Shakespeare new more things around him than other people but it was how he saw and examined things and people around him. In many of his plays and poems he showed deep knowledge of human nature. The way in which we experience fear, love, hatred, jealousy, despair, or anything else one can name.The way he wrote it and staged it would leave many artists in the dust and that the meaning of his work would stay with readers and viewers while everything around them changed. Shakespeare managed to grasp what it took to shape the essence of human nature in many of its aspects and drop it into text and drama in a way that would draw our ears, our eyes and our hearts. Unlike psychology, Shakespeare tries attempting to understand why people do what they do. He simply outshone most others, in many times and many places, at drawing portraits of the mystery of human behavior.Shakespeare used to combine nature and human nature together in many of his plays and poems. He used to describe human behavior by relating them with nature. In one of his plays known as Troilus and Cressida, he quotes the following: Let not virtue seek Remuneration for the thing it was; For beauty, wit, High birth, vigor of bone, desert in service, Love, friendship, charity are subjects all To envious and ca lumniating time One touch of nature makes the whole world kin, That all with one consent praise new-born gawds, Though they are made and moulded of things past, And give to dust that is a little giltMore laud than gilt o'erdusted. (3. 3. 169–179) This quote was spoken by the character known as Ulysses where he says this to the great Greek warrior Achilles who did not participate in the Trojan War because he contained a broken pride and was in love with a Trojan. He did not understand why he was not liked by the other Greeks and Ulysses tried to get Achilles mind back into action by giving him an uncomplimentary lecture on human nature. In the seventh line of Ulysses’ quote, he speaks about the ‘touch of nature’ which means ‘natural traits’. These are vital characteristics that make us all in this world kin.The phrases nowadays used for our ‘touch of nature’ as warmth or generosity or any other romantic ideal is different from how Ulysses describes it. He sees unanimity in our gaudy originalities as our ‘touch of nature’ is a short memory. The past deeds of Achilles, like beauty, wit, love, and so on, are subject to the ravages of time. In other words, it is our nature to forget these types of faded glories because they do not seem important anymore as there are bigger things that should be remembered instead of wasting it on these small glories that will be slowly forgotten in the future.Shakespeare’s unusual yet deep ways of describing human nature through his characters in his plays were unique. From the way he wrote his plays and poems, it would almost feel like to the reader and viewer that he lived in another type of world and that he saw everything around him very differently from normal people. He was very good in describing what he felt through what he saw as well. In one of his well-known plays called Hamlet, one of Hamlet’s quotes he says as following: What a piece of wor k is a man, how noble in reason, how nfinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animalsâ€â€and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so. (2. 2. 303–312). This passage exemplifies how Hamlet says that man is like an angel or god in apprehension. The ‘quintessence of dust’ states that from all God’s work, Man is one of the noblest. Despite all this nobility, Hamlet is not delighted by all this grace or beauty of man.This is one of the moments where his sincerity is genuinely in question as he explains this to two of the king’s followers or ‘parasites’ as he seems them as, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. He feels like there is nothing in Denmark for him and that it feels like a prison to him where he is stuck in followin g his uncle’s orders and wished that there was another choice for him to follow instead. Even though Man is described as the beauty of God’s works, from what he sees man as in his life gives him another image of human nature.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Blood Brothers – Development Task
For our coursework, we created several scenes and performed scripted pieces from the play ‘Blood Brothers' by Willy Russell. I shall discuss some of the main scenes we created/performed and what mediums and elements we used to improve them. The first scene I'll discuss is where Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons are arguing over who'll keep the twin. We used various mediums and elements of drama to help us put the scenes from page to stage. I have listed how we implemented elements of drama and what effects they gave below: Content- We produced this scene directly from page to stage, except we added thought tracking to it- two extra character characters that spoke their thoughts. We used the stage directions to produce movement and facial expressions which were the main content of the scene, including the dialog. Actions- We used various different actions both from the script and improvised. These ranged from Mrs Johnstone cleaning at the start, to Mrs Lyons waving her arms in argument. We did this to give the effect of emphasising Mrs Lyons' frustration and madness and to add more visual interest for the audience. It proved very effective as it made the scene more dramatic and evocative. Climax- The climax in our piece was near the end where Mrs Johnstone swears on the Bible to give a twin to Mrs Lyons. We built up tension which lead to this by increasing volume and the tone of frustration in our voices. Reece whom played Mrs Lyons used a more pleading tone whereas I used a more frustrated tone. We did this because we wanted to engage the audience throughout the scene with the build-up of tension and emotion. Contrasts- We created a clear contrast between the characters Mrs Lyons and Mrs Johnstone as shown on the script. These contrasts where presented in social class, which we portrayed through our differently accented voices. Also the dialog of the script suggested their contrast as Mrs Lyons had more authorative lines. In order to develop the contrast in characters further, we also had different postures to connote the contrast of status. I had a more relaxed posture and Reece had a more formal withdrawn posture. We did this to create an interesting conflict in the scene for the audience. Symbols- The only symbolism we used in this scene was the Bible prop. In the script, Mrs Johnstone swears on the Bible. This symbolises a binding contract, especially for her character as she is very superstitious. We used lighting to mark the moment of this symbolism. Willy Russell may have used symbolism in this scene to add tension and interest for the audience as this reveals that an event is going to happen later on in the play. We could have added more symbols to the scene to create more tension. Now I shall explore what mediums of drama we used in this scene to take it from page to stage and develop it further: Costume- We didn't use a particular costume as it was easier to change to different scenes and characters. We maybe should have used costumes that represented their class to show a visual contrast between the two characters. Sound/Music- We didn't use any music in our scene as there wasn't any scripted, however we used a heart-beat sound effect to mark the moment of madness when Mrs Lyons was pleading. We could have used music when Mrs Lyons pleads for the twin to mark the moment and add emphasis on her character's madness more effectively. Space & Levels- We kept spread out on the stage to use space effectively, and we incorporated the use of levels to show a visual contrast in status of the two characters. Mrs Johnstone was generally lower than Mrs Lyons throughout the scene to connote her lower status. Voice- Our voice intonation of anger and frustration built up throughout the scene to add more interest and contrasting moods from the beginning of the scene to the end. This use of voice gave the effect of showing the emotions of our characters clearly for the audience. We rehearsed this scene by initially reading through the script as our characters and using voice intonation to add emotion to the lines as we read them out. We used the explorative strategy of thought-tracking to explore the inner-characters that weren't shown in the script. Then we used the stage directions to take it from page to stage and add movement and gestures. We then added our own improvised actions etc. to develop the scene further. We made the decision of having two additional characters that represent Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons' thoughts to reveal them more effectively to the audience. We also decided to use a heart-beat sound when Mrs Lyons pleaded to show the audience the madness of her character and signify it. I think that the performance of this scene went well as our characters came across as we and the playwright intended. We made our emotions clear for the audience as we portrayed them through our gestures, use of voice etcetera. However, to improve this we could have used music at specific points such as when Mrs Johnstone swears on the Bible so as to mark the moment and add even more emotion to it. We demonstrated that Mrs Lyons and Mrs Johnstone had a good relationship initially, and how it deteriorated throughout the scene by using more infuriated expressions and vocal tones.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Consultancy Report Essay
As a subsidiary of one of the largest cosmetics organizations in the world, you are in a position to dramatically increase your potential and further capitalize on your brands recognition. My hope is that you will establish and maintain a broader, more diverse customer base and increase your overall profitability. Based on an in-depth analysis and research conducted on your organizations behalf, I have identified several problematic areas in need of immediate attention. The following document will serve to provide valuable information to address these issues accordingly. One such issue and perhaps one of the most crucial is that of the organization’s brand awareness levels in the United Kingdom. This is due in part to the fact that Mary Kay U.K. is not as widely recognized in the United Kingdom as it is in the Americas. I recommend increasing your presence to reach potential customers who would otherwise be unaware of your organization. We will seek to address the significant growth of new potential competitors while developing a means of competing effectively against already established competitors. You will learn of new methods in which to remain relevant and a viable global contender in the cosmetics industry. New products will serve to provide your organization with a competitive edge and differentiate your organization from all its competitors. New policies and changes in the organization’s infrastructure will increase employee satisfaction an important factor for employee retention. These enhancements to the organization’s current dealings can ultimately increase profitability, improve customer satisfaction levels, and increase employee productivity. As Mary Kay U.K. adopts these changes and once in effect, there will be a need to take on additional employees to tend to the day-to-day operations and supplementary qualified/experienced executive-level professionals, allowing for a more focused approach on the management aspects of the organization. Effective documentation of the organization’s financials will allow for more educated and informed decision-making procedures. Adequate fiscal records serve as effective management tool for predicting future success, identify problem areas and to make decisions that will assist in the organization’s overall effectiveness. In addition to significantly changing the inner workings of the organization in the United Kingdom, substantial changes to the organizations image and frontend interfaces may be required to assist with the issue of brand awareness. The organization must become a well-oiled machine internally as well as an aesthetically pleasing entity for potential customers, future investors and for those considering strategic business alliances. Creating a more convivial atmosphere with which your organization would then be associated will give these interested parties a respectable first impression. It is apparent that lacking presentation and unfocused management gives rise to the decrease or stagnation of profitability and employee retention. Changes to policy, organizational image, and infrastructure will not only prove beneficial but may in fact be necessary for the success of the organization and its future viability within the United Kingdom. In addition, there must be changes in customer behavior to increase the probability of the organization’s adoption. The organization needs to appeal to a broader customer base after shifting consumer views of cosmetics to match that of American consumers. Thus, by implementing novel, eye-catching, and feeling invoking imagery or advertisements, people will in turn be more inclined to purchase Mary Kay products. In order to be more successful, I recommend the transformation of current marketing strategies. Implementation of a marketing plan that encompasses the arguably successful word-of-mouth strategy in addition to overt and persistent adverts by way of social media will benefit the organization’s image. Because a constant stream of information pertaining to the actual products will allow the consumer to easily recall the information and develop a need for the product as presented by the advertisement. In addition, there must be a vested interest in appealing to the variety of potential consumers within the United Kingdom. Mary Kay U.K. would be wise to capitalize on United Kingdom’s ever-growing and diverse population, via the translation and representation of the multitude of languages spoken within the target areas of operation. This will allow for a more comfortable customer experience and personalized identification with the Mary Kay brand. Brand Awareness is at an all-time low as target populations fail to recognize the Mary Kay Brand. The organization must increase its visibility in the growing cosmetics market in the United Kingdom. This is possible with improved advertising and re-imagined brand association. Increased brand recognition will assist with declining profits. The proposals presented in this consultancy report, should Mary Kay U.K. opt to adopt them will serve to promote the organization’s business aptitude and increase overall profitability and effectiveness. My hope is that this educated and informed counsel will effectively navigate the organization into a state of increased viability and the optimization and growth of Mary Kay U.K. business operations and clientele. INTRODUCTION This consultancy report will serve to provide the Mary Kay U.K. Ltd. Subsidiary of Mary Kay Cosmetics with informed suggestions to increase the organization’s revenues and improving the day-to-day dealings of the organization from a management perspective. Following extensive research of the organization’s operations, I have prepared a comprehensive examination of the organization in its entirety. This research has been comprised of a thorough analysis of the organization’s fiscal and promotion facets. This report also takes into account the consumer aspect of the organization, and the organization’s image as viewed by the public. In addition, it will serve to demonstrate the manner in which the target audience does or fails to accept this image. Crucial organizational issues have been identified and addressed accordingly, supplemented with recommendations for minimizing or eliminating potentially negative effects. These suggestions may prove insightful for the achievement of further profitability and consumer satisfaction should the organization choose to implement any or all of the changes proposed in this report. The information provided in this report comes via thorough research and analytical dismantling of data and industry trends and its reassembling in the form of a well-formulated business plan. Suggestions provided will seek to address Mary Kay U.K.’s organizational structure, the organization’s inclination to incorporate a corporate social responsibility element, consumer satisfaction, employee turn-over rates, decreasing or non-existent profits, brand recognition and awareness among target consumers and product quality, to name the most imperative of organization’s issues. In all, if implemented, these changes could ensure a significant turnaround for the Mary Kay U.K. entity. Numbers will rise to the status of or potentially rival those of its American contemporary. The organization would hold a strong position before its global competitors and open the door for future business strategic affiliations. The organizational redesign will prove beneficial for Mary Kay’s United Kingdom division as an organization, for the consumers now receiving increased quality services, and for the leveling of the cosmetics industry in the United Kingdom. ANALYSIS OF CLIENT BUSINESS Company Description and History Mary Kay Inc. is one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world to date. Headquartered in Addison, Texas at 16251 Dallas Parkway Addison, TX 75001 in the United States, it has manufacturing plants located in Dallas, Texas, Hangzhou, China and La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland for its European market. Mary Kay Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Mary Kay Holding Corporation. Founded by Mary Kay Ash in 1963 and based on personally established values that guided her everyday life she sought to help women live the life of their dreams. Company values include integrity, honesty and a belief in the Golden Rule; â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.†The mission, to assist and provide the vehicle that would allow prospective independent beauty consultants to have their respective dreams come true via the distribution, promotion, and retailing of a handful of products. Mary Kay Inc. identifies itself as a â€Å"Generation Everything†organization, meaning it serves everyone from all walks of life and of all ages. The organization recently posted that its revenues are up to 3 billion due to sales in its 35 + markets globally. All made possible by its 25 million global independent sales force.
Jeffrey Skilling Essay
In 1975 Jeffrey Skilling received his B. S. from Southern Methodist University in applied science, and in 1979 received his M. B. A. from Harvard. He was hired by McKinsey & Company as a consultant and in 1987 began working with Enron to help create a forward market in natural gas (wikipedia. org). Ken Lay hired Skilling in 1990 as chairman and chief executive officer of Enron Finance Corp. and in 1991 he became the Chairman of Enron Gas Services Co. Also, he was appointed CEO/managing director of Enron Capital & Trade Resources. Skilling was promoted to second highest position in the company, president and chief operating officer in 1979. By pushing an aggressive investment strategy, Skilling helped Enron to become the biggest wholesaler of gas and electricity (biography. com). On February 12, 2001 he was named the new CEO of Enron, replacing Ken Lay. Later in 2001, during the energy crisis in California; Skilling resigned on August 14 and shortly after he sold off large blocks of his shares of Enron. Enron declared bankruptcy in December 2001. The Federal Bureau of Investigations indicted Skilling on 35 charges, which he pleaded not guilty on February 19, 2004(wikipedia. org). His trial began on January 30, 2006 and lasted four months. On May 25, 2006 he was found guilty on one count of conspiracy, one count of insider trading, five counts of making false statements to auditors, and twelve counts of securities fraud; and not guilty on nine counts of insider trading(wikipedia. org). October 23, 2006 Skilling was sentenced to 24 years and 4 months in a federal prison and was fined 45 million dollars. Skilling began serving his prison term on December 13, 2006 at a low security federal prison in Littleton, Colorado. His release date is scheduled for February 21, 2028 according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Finance and Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Finance and Management Accounting - Essay Example No commercial entity runs an R & D department to conduct in fructuous basic research ((ICMR), 2003). Management accounting is the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information that assists managers in specific decision-making within framework of fulfilling the organizational objectives (The ICFAI University Press, 2004). Like water, this rising tide of data can be viewed as an abundant, vital and necessary resource. With enough preparation, we should be able to tap into that reservoir -- and ride the wave -- by utilizing new ways to channel raw data into meaningful information. That information, in turn, can then become the knowledge that leads to wisdom. The idea is that information, knowledge, and wisdom are more than simply collections. Rather, the whole represents more than the sum of its parts and has a synergy of its own. In an organizational context, data represents facts or values of results, and relations between data and other relations have the capacity to represent information. Patterns of relations of data and information and other patterns have the capacity to represent knowledge. ... Without on-demand access to managed knowledge, every situation is addressed based on what the individual or group brings to the situation with them. With on-demand access to managed knowledge, every situation is addressed with the sum total of everything anyone in the organization has ever learned about a situation of a similar nature. Management accounting --- Importance of Stakeholders In the highly competitive environment, the survival of an organization may depend on how well stakeholders are managed. However, when managers delegate this responsibility of managing the stakeholder interests, there is no systematic way to evaluate their performance. With an evaluation method, such as a report card, managers no longer rely on observations regarding the outcomes of stakeholder management; they receive direct information from their stakeholders and can plan interventions accordingly (Slovensky, 2002). Management planning and control system is related to accounting system. Suitable goals are set based on the information provided by the accountants. Projections of futures sales, expenses, incomes and estimation of profit are made depending on the accounting information. After setting goals while examining alternatives, information about these alternatives comes from accounting system and the accountant is made to combine the data and produce meaningful reports. Though, implementation of chosen alternative is done by the mangers alone without the intervention of accounting system, the accountant is required to collect and summarize data about the success of the chosen plan. The evaluation of performance depends heavily on the accountant accumulates and reports. Though, accounting system is helpful in the process of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Understanding the Impact of the Three Strikes Laws to Offenders and to Essay
Understanding the Impact of the Three Strikes Laws to Offenders and to Law Enforcement - Essay Example Since the court can impose a very high penalty when the offender is convicted for the third time, most offenders would be more careful not commit another offense, especially after the second strike. Over the years, different states across the country have adopted the three strike laws. At present, the following states implement this law Washington, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, North Dakota, Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, Florida, Tennessee and Virginia (White, 2006). The effects of the three strikes laws and their implementation vary from state to state. Some states require that all three crimes committed should be violent crimes while others apply the three strike laws if the two previous crimes committed by the person is either serious or violent or both (White, 2006). For instance, in the state of California, if a person has been convicted three times, that person may be given the mandatory 25-to-life sentence (Zimring, et. al., 2001). The harsh punishments given to habitual criminals helped cut the crime rates especially in the state of Califo rnia (Reynolds, 2004). Although the enactment of the three strikes laws provides strong deterrent to committing crimes, these laws also have weaknesses and these weaknesses often create problems in the implementation of the laws. According to critics, a large number of repeat offenders actually slip from the law without being charged so they may not be subjected to the three strikes law (White, 2006). Critics of these laws believe that the application of one-size-fits-all sentence to repeat offenders is unfair and unreasonably harsh (Reynolds, 2004).Â
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Country development report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Country development report - Essay Example From an international dependency theory, Kenya relies heavily on western countries on tourism, exports, and imports. However, the foreign organisations repatriated investment exchange from the Kenyan economy. The structural patterns showed that Kenya has fragmented an imbalanced urban and the rural fabrics, which signifies high unemployment rate in the urban leading to informal settlements like slum. Development forms the main agenda of any progressive nation. Although economic progress forms the essential part of development, it is not the only aspect of development because economy is not the only aspect of development (Sen, 1999; Orwa, 1992). Therefore, development is a multidimensional process that requires reorientation and reorganisation of the social and economic systems. From a nonprofessional’s perspective, economic development should improve wealth output and income; however, it involves other changes like the surgical changes of administrative, institutions and social fabrics (Edet-Nkpubre, 2013). Besides, the process aims to change the beliefs, customs, and attitude of the people to focus on certain agendas that forms the receipt for development and avoid issues that may jeopardise growth associated with development (Mshomba, 1997). A holistic approach of defining development is based on a national perspective, which also may require international perspective a nd the social system (Scanteam and Norad, 2009). The objectives of this paper involved synthesising the four main theories of development namely the linear stage, neoclassical counter-revolution, structural patterns, and international dependence from a Kenyan perspective. These theories form the principal concepts for the explanation and interpretation of development efforts of a country selected for instance Kenya. Kenya is located on the east cost of the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A criminal offends because he is caused to do so in a way which the Essay
A criminal offends because he is caused to do so in a way which the non criminal is not. Discuss this claim in relation to positivist criminology - Essay Example Although both of these theories belong to criminology at large but their ideologies are significantly different from one another. This paper aims to study positivist criminology while discussing a distinctive claim made in relation to criminology. Moreover, the two theories positivist and classist criminology would be compared to comprehend their basic functions and real world practicality. Criminology is broadly defined as the comprehensive study of why people indulge in to criminal activities. It also includes the observation of various criminal attitudes and behaviors while focusing on external and internal motivation factors (Understanding Criminology Theories, 2014). Studying criminology significantly helps in controlling crime rate since when investigators know the actual reasons for crime they can act accordingly while rehabilitating the criminal. Different criminology theories address different issues, for instance, some are associated with the individual criminals whereas others focus more towards the criminal’s act. Hence some criminologist suggests that criminals make a conscious choice in order to commit the crime while others suggest that community persuades an individual to act in an offensive manner. Thus they consider it the responsibility of social powers and community leaders to ensure that the inhabitants do not fall in to illegal and unethica l activities. This can be effectively done through providing them safe and protected job opportunities with an addition of sustainable living conditions (Understanding Criminology Theories, 2014). Apart from this, criminologists who believe that individuals have internal motivations and instincts to act violently should be determined during various examinations and psychological tests. They must be put in to different negative situations so as figure out their hidden weaknesses and thinking
Monday, September 9, 2019
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4
Research Paper Example The question remains what the future holds regarding artificial intelligence that is autonomous and able to communicate other systems as well as with humans? An immense amount of research is underway about autonomous robots. The researchers are eager to predict what the future would look like as it is evident from science fiction novels and Hollywood movies. Robots and artificial intelligence are technically different terms, but they are perceived as one. Czech Writer Karel Capek invented the term ‘robot’ derived from the word ‘robota’ meaning labour (Chen, David & Gligorescu, 2011). Artificial Intelligence is a term used to describe for machines that can mimic the intelligence of humans (Chen, David & Gligorescu, 2011). At the moment, many mobile robots and their applications are serving the humans. These robots include wheeled, flying, swimming, crawling and even legged robots. Humanoid robots that copy some aspects of human experiences or behaviour appear in the news now and then. It is considered the mid-stage between human and a robot (Huang, 2011). Moreover, group robotics that understand the ways in which single robots cooperate and communicate is also part of the recent research. Sensors actuators enabling to connect the world, robot intelligence, the software architecture of these machines, methods to control them and the application issues such as localization, navigation or grouping, are now a part of the modern technological culture. It is almost a clichà © to presume that the artificial intelligence in the future would make a dramatic change and offer stunningly new developments for the humans. If the developments are gradual than probably we wont see much difference and will accept it as part of technological evolution. But this is a mystery, maybe the shift will be dramatic due to the courtesy of truly ground-breaking technology. Autonomous robots instil both hope and fear in the minds of humans. These
Sunday, September 8, 2019
HCM427-0801A-01 Human Resource Management in Health Care - Phase 3 Essay
HCM427-0801A-01 Human Resource Management in Health Care - Phase 3 Discussion Board - Essay Example secretary, we have been told that she is no longer interested with her job since she strongly feels that all of her improvement suggestions are not taken seriously by the doctors. Based on the medical secretary’s explanation, it is very clear that she is a leader in her own way because of her desire to develop improvement suggestions for the betterment of the health care organization. In line with this matter, self-management serves as an effective intrinsic motivation on her part. (Graham & Unruh, 1990) It means that simple one-on-one rewards such as a sincere acknoweldgement for her effort and determination to develop improvement suggestions is all she is asking for. Basically, there are two types of rewards that could improve the job performance and satisfaction of the employees. These are the company rewards which are offered by the organization management and the one-on-one rewards which are being extended by the employees’ bosses. Traditional reward system such as compensation and promotions are slowly becoming ineffective in terms of motivating the generation X and Y employees. (Craig, March-April 1989) Material rewards such as cash incentives could also result in demotivating the employees. (Anthony, Dearden, & Bedford, 1989; Cecil Hill, Spring 1989) Basically, the main reason why ‘pay-for-performance’ concept fails to work is because in exchange with the money, the pride and job satisfaction of employees suffer. Eventhough extrinsic rewards such as increase in pay or bonus given to employees could still be effective in some cases, a more recent study shows that intrinsic rewards / motivation such as congratulating the employees for a job well done either verbally, written on a personal note, through public recognition, or implementing a celebration for success in work performance is more effective in motivating employees to increase their work performance. (Graham & Unruh, 1990) The best way to retain and regain the job satisfaction of
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